Hugh made his way to the lists and brushed past Kenna as she went towards the inner bailey. He sneered in her direction and then spat, for he did not like feeling beholden to a witch. He could think of her as nothing else, since the healing of his back in such a short span of time was nigh unto a miracle. As far as he was concerned, she should burn at the stake and good riddance to her no matter what she had done for him.

Despite the feeling of hatred that had been festering inside him for the past month, he was at least grateful he could once more heft a sword, however gingerly. God’s blood, he felt as weak as a newborn babe and disliked the feeling!

Hugh’s eyes scanned the field ’til he espied his nemesis, and yet another, who lingered close to the stone wall, caught his interest. He could not remember her name, but knew ’twas one of the daughters of the old lord, apparently lusting after the newest liege of the castle the way she followed Dristan’s every move. Mousey brown hair and not much to look at, but perchance she would serve a purpose that would suit his needs.

But first things first, he thought confidently. ’Twould still take more time, much to his distaste, afore he would at last be able to fight as he once did. Then, and only then, when he was back to his normal self, would he exact his revenge on the Devil’s Dragon and take the castle that should be his own. Smiling with the future vision of himself as lord of the keep, he began his day of training in the lists with more enthusiasm than he had felt in some time.