“Crypto?” Wyatt asked with an arched brow. “We could be doing all of this to end up finding the money on the day of a massive crash and end up holding a bag full of pennies?”

Roman chuckled, having foreseen that fear already.

As had Remy.

“We’re dealing with a savant who could weirdly seem to predict the future. When he crossed over the two billion mark, Remy cashed in. Turned it all into untraceable, hard and solid cash, digitizing it into his own currency and staked against the US dollar, making it impossible to fluctuate. Inside of the tome, on the first and the last pages, Remy placed the beginning and end of the seed key for the digital wallet that contains the money. The rest of the seed key could be found within the tome, using a legend on the first page.

“He said having the entire seed key wouldn’t be enough, though. That there was a puzzle to be solved, a difficult one, one that required hacking through whatever firewalls he placed around the digital wallet.”

“And that’s where I come in.”

Roman nodded. “You’d be the person bringing the torch over the finish line.”

“What if I can’t get in?” Wyatt’s eyes widened, but Roman answered him with a soft kiss, arms still wrapped around him.

“You can. I know you can.”

Wyatt smiled, kissing Roman back. “Thank you for telling me. I was beginning to think you were dragging us along on some pyramid scheme.”

“Yeah, right. Next, I was going to ask you to start selling moldy leggings.”

Wyatt laughed, reaching for some tissue paper. “Alright, let’s clean up in here and get back outside before Bang Bang says something stupid.”

“Oh, he’s for sure going to say something stupid.” Roman helped Wyatt clean up their mess before they tugged on their pants, fixing their messed up heads of hair and opening the bathroom door, stepping out at the same time.

“There they are!” Bang Bang said, lifting his bottle of beer. “Can I be the godfather to whatever baby you two made in there?”

“Bruno, stop it.” Doc gave Bang Bang a playful slap on the chest but couldn’t hide the smile on her face.

Wyatt went to his seat with a blush on his cheeks, smiling as Phantom ribbed him. Roman walked to the back of the plane, every step feeling as if it were on a cloud. Bang Bang continued to tease him for the rest of the trip, but Roman didn’t mind. He was flying far too high to be bothered by anything.

Chapter 25

Wyatt Hernandez

The crew was back in their hideout, sitting together in the main room with the massive mural of the blue whale swimming over them, the rainbow stretching over it. Wyatt couldn’t quite believe this was what his life had led to. A couple of weeks ago, he never would have imagined he would be traveling the world with an old flame, rekindling the fire between them while on a wild scavenger hunt leading to a life-changing amount of money. If someone had told him what was in his future, he likely would have laughed and asked which asylum they broke free from.

But it was his life. And he was quickly adjusting to it. In the beginning of this adventure, he was swimming in doubt and feeling like an outsider. But now? He felt like one of the Rainbow’s Seven; he felt like he had earned his spot. It was an exhilarating sensation, as if he were standing on top of the world. Nothing could knock him off. He had his man, he had his crew, and soon, he’d have his money.

Nothing could ruin this for him.

Wyatt sat next to Doc, chatting about their favorite books as Roman set up the space for their last rundown before tomorrow’s job. He was finding himself opening up more and more to the slightly sarcastic and incredibly intelligent Doc, with her penchant for reading some extra-smutty historicals with a straight face.

“Book or movie? Which do you usually like?” Wyatt asked, grabbing a strawberry from the bowl on his lap and taking a juicy bite.

“Book, for sure. Movie sometimes, but it has to be exceptionally well done. I want them to pluck the scenes directly from my twisted little psyche.”

“Agree, agree.” Wyatt tipped the bowl in her direction. “Want some?”

“Sure. I don’t think anyone can say no to fresh strawberries.”

“Except maybe my mom. She was allergic to them. Like deathly allergic.”

Doc’s thin brows rose. “Oh damn, that’s a tough allergy. I’m fine with peanut and, like, horse allergies? But come at my cats, my berries, or my flowers, and then I’m pissed.”

Wyatt chuckled, getting another mouthful of strawberry and washing it down with some rosé. “Also agree.”

“Speaking of parents, Salt… I never got to finish the story I was telling you on the plane.”

Wyatt nodded, not having forgotten their small heart-to-heart but also not wanting to press, either. He wasn’t drunk enough for that.