Page 197 of Forever Love


Vince slowly runs his hand over our baby boy’s fingers. My heartbeat ticks up as he looks at our little boy reverently. He’s the best dad. He’s thoughtful, attentive, and calm. He gets up in the middle of the night, without question, when Jax is fussy—which is a lot. Vince is always in the trenches with me, and I love it. But the thing that sets my soul on fire is how muchheloves it. Like he’s high on life when he’s home with Harper, Jax, and me. It makes me feel that much more loved. Of course, I feel the same way. Our family is everything. Especially now.

Vince softly kisses my forehead. “Ready for me to get your dad?”

I smile and nod. I’m so ready for him to meet his next grandbaby.

He gives my hand a squeeze. “I’ll be right back.”

A few moments later, my dad walks in.

After lathering up with hand sanitizer, he comes and sits down on the edge of the bed.

“This feels familiar,” he says quietly.

“Yes, it does. Are you ready to meet your newest grandson, Poppa?”

He chuckles and shakes his head. “Some days I still can’t believe I’m a Poppa.”

“It’s been eleven years, Dad. You should probably get used to it.”

“You’re used to being a mom now?”

“Of course. It’s the best part of my life. Even when it is a chaotic, messy wreck—which is a lot of the time.”

He laughs at that, then gently squeezes baby boy’s feet. “Who is this?”

I slide him into my dad’s arms and say, “Leo Bernardo Barone, meet Leo James Ardito.”

His eyes move to me, but he doesn’t say anything for a few moments. Then he leans over and kisses my head.

“That means a lot to me.” His voice is thick with emotion.

I rest my head on his shoulder. “It means a lot to me, too. I wouldn’t be who I am without you. I wouldn’t have made it as far as I did. I love you, Dad.”

“I love you too, my little bambina. Always.”

“Hey,” Vince says as I flash my eyes open. He’s rocking Leo back and forth.

“How long have I been sleeping?”

“About an hour.” He leans down and kisses me. “Well deserved rest. But perfect timing. Someone’s hungry.”

He slides Leo into my arms and sits down next to me on the bed. He wraps an arm around my back as Leo nurses. Kid is already a pro.

As we sit together in the quiet, my mind wanders. And then, out of nowhere—unless you’re in my brain—I start laughing.

“What?” Vince asks.

“Remember the first time you saw my boob?”

His brow furrows, then his face breaks into a smile, and he starts laughing, too.

“You acted like you were terrified of it.”

“Because my feelings for you hit that day. I wasn’t ready for them. And then your boob was right there.”

We both laugh, then he kisses me again. “I love you.”