Page 195 of Forever Love

“Hollie,” my voice is low and thick and gravelly. “I—”

“Don’t,” she whispers. Just like all those years ago. “Don’t say it. I know what you’re thinking, but we don’t know each other as adults—who we are now. Don’t say it. Not yet.”

I drop my forehead against hers and inhale deeply, memorizing her scent. Coconut, vanilla, lemon.

“Fine. Then I’ll say this.I loved you.And I have every intention of falling in love with you all over again.”

Her eyes twinkle. There’s that spark. My Firecracker.

“You better,” she breathes. “Tonight?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“What about Harper?”

“She’ll be with Maia’s mom.”


“Good. Text me everything I need to know.”

I take a step back and a big deep breath, willing my dick to cool down. It’s not throbbing like it was, but it’s still hard.

She takes my hand and we slowly walk toward the end of the hallway. Before we get back into the busier area of the hospital, I give her one last steamy kiss and a quick ass squeeze. It’s round and firm and I want to explore it.


She walks back with me toward the maternity waiting room.

I can’t believe this is happening. After all these years, she’s here. Her hand in my hand. My heart already trying to intertwine with hers again.

She stops just before the waiting room and kisses my cheek. “I’m that way.” She points in the opposite direction. Then sighs. “I’m looking forward to tonight, Jack.”

I smile at her old nickname for me.

“Me too. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

Again, I get a radiant smile that sets my soul on fire.

She squeezes my hand and turns to go.

“Oh, and Firecracker?”


“Wear black.”

She stills and stares at me. Then she smirks and winks. She gives a little wave and walks down the hall as I watch her perfect ass until it’s out of view.

Then my brain jumps into planning mode. I only have a couple of hours to plan an incredible date. And it will beincredible.Because that’s what she deserves. Especially after all this time.

All this time.

Finally, I found my girl again.