Page 110 of Forever Love


I hate group projects. They could all die a fiery death and I would not care at all. Actually, that’s not true. I would do a happy dance. And if one more professor says they help train you for working with others on the job, I’m going to lose my shit. Real life work isnothinglike a dumbass group project. I think they just like to torture us.

The upside of college is there’s more flexibility in my schedule. I was done by one today, so I’ve been plugging away at this group project. I even got to spend some time with Harper before Braden picked her up. Wednesdays have become my only full day off work, except for Sundays, and I enjoy having some time to myself. Vince and I have made it a priority to have a family dinner together on Sundays, since we both have it off and I have Harper. We also have a date night every Friday night. No phones or other distractions. I guess Fridays are still our thing.

I’ve reached my breaking point with this stupid project and I need caffeine. As I get up to make some coffee, there’s a knock on the door.

“It’s open,” I call. Maybe I shouldn’t do that, but I figure most murderers wouldn’t knock. Although, there was that one serial killer who only murdered women with unlocked doors.Why do I know that?I blame Abuelita and Leigh.

Speak of the devil…

“Hi.” Leigh’s voice is soft.

“Hey. I didn’t hear a car.”

She shrugs as she slides her shoes off. “I was at Abuelita’s, so I walked over since it was just around the corner.” Silently, she walks to me, then wraps her arms around me. “I’m sorry.”

I squeeze her as tight as I can without squishing her bump. “It’s okay.”

She shakes her head as she pulls away. “No, it’s not. You were right. I was pushing you away. Pushing everyone away. You didn’t deserve that. You’ve always been here for me.”

Tears form in the corner of her eyes as I squeeze her hands. “And I always will be. Just like I know you will be for me. So, how arewegonna get through this?”

She laughs and leans back against the counter. “I don’t know. Probably messily.”

I smile and turn to the fridge. “Lucky for you, I’m great at messy.” I pull the brownie batter stuff she’s obsessed with from the fridge and hand it to her. “Tell me everything.”