Page 106 of Forever Love

“It seems that way, right? Until you realize that you don’t get to feel the love of the people around you. That includes the little person you’re carrying. What do you want to teach them? To close off and hide away, or to open their heart and love those around them? Cause I sure as hell know what I want to teach Harper.”

She runs a hand over her stomach. “Did I break Nick?”

I smile at that. “Lucky for you, not yet. He doesn’t give up easily.”

She sighs and leans back, patting the bed next to her. I crawl over and lean against the headboard.

“I don’t want to close myself off. I’m just scared. And that makes me feel weak.”

“It’s not weak. It’s human.”

She gives me a little smirk. “Potato, potahto.”

“I can’t imagine what it’s been like to lose your mom. The complicated emotions you have to sort through. But I do know that we’re all here for you. We’re not holding it against you that you’re struggling. The benefit of trusting people is that you don’t always have to be strong. Even if you prefer to be.”

She leans her head against my shoulder. “Thanks for coming to see me, B.”

I pop a kiss on her forehead. “Thanks for not giving up on me when I gave you every reason to.”

She glances up at me, but I don’t say anything else. I want that comment to settle on her. I want her to remember what our friendships are, the way we show up for each other. We don’t give up. Never have. Never will. And I’m sure as hell not going to let her give up, either.