“And now?”

Lia laughed. “Well, I think after my mom let him have it, he’s open to the possibility that I’m telling the truth.”

“That’s good.”

“It is. Anyway, we’re talking, and he’s going to come up after the babies are born. After the paternity test shows that he’s their father.”

“So, he’s insisting on a paternity test?”

“No, I am. I know he’s their father, I just want to make sure he knows that too.”

I smiled, happy yet wanting more for her. A roll of dramatic movie endings played in my mind. I loved all the race-to-the-wedding scenes, where the hero ran through fire to reach the heroine and declare his love for her. Lia deserved a happy ending like that.

“Stop,” she said.

“Stop what?”

She shook her head. “I know what you’re thinking, and it’s not like that with Oliver and me.”

“Not like what?” I asked, innocently.

“Like a romantic movie where everything works out in the end. Oliver and I... We have to put the babies first. Our lives are too different for any kind of connection.”

I shook my head. “You’re having a baby together. Your lives will forever be connected.”

“That’s true, but the babies need to come first.”

“That doesn’t mean—”

“Stop,” she repeated, laughing. “We’re having the babies and paternity test first. Then we’ll sit down and figure out our finances and custody and all that.”

“Lia, that’s wonderful.”

She grinned. “Yeah, it is kind of wonderful.”

Signs for the airport came into view. I sucked in a sharp breath. “I can’t believe this is happening. I’m so nervous. What should I do when I see him? Should I hug him? Shake his hand? Give a little wave?”

“Don’t over overthink it,” Lia said. “Just let it happen naturally, you know?”

“What does that mean?”

“Just see what he does. Just hold back and follow his lead. I’m sure when you see him, you’ll know what to do.”

“Okay. I hope so.”

Lia parked the car, and we walked into the airport. Waiting in baggage claim, I was a complete mess. I kept seeing men who looked like my father but weren’t him. Would I even be able to recognize him when he arrived? I’d been ten years old the last time I saw him, after all.

“Look.” Lia pointed to the top of the escalator.

My heart slammed into my chest. It was him. My father. I watched as he scanned the crowd, looking for me. When he spotted me, his eyes lit up.

On impulse, I ran toward him, tears streaming down my face. He was crying too. When we embraced, there was no awkwardness as we hugged each other tight.

“Oh, Brandy.” His voice wavered. “I’m overwhelmed at seeing you. Overwhelmed.”

“Me too.” I melted into him.

We stood that way for a long time, quietly crying in each other’s arms. I honestly couldn’t believe he was here.