Harriet agreed. Together, we cleaned up the library and left the building. Outside, it was growing dark and cold. As we crossed the empty parking lot, I was grateful I wasn’t alone. Nevertheless, I slipped my hand into my purse, double-checking for my mace.

“Hey,” Harriet said as she reached her car, “I’m meeting Hillary and a few of the other moms for drinks and dinner. You should come. We can ride together, and I’ll bring you back to the school afterward to get your car.”

Everything inside me wanted to decline her invitation. It’d been a long day, and I was ready to go home.

Yet, I was tired of being alone. While everything was fine with Lia and Brandy, they had their own lives. Salvador had moved on too, despite the kindness he showed me the other night.

Deciding to take a chance by stepping out of my comfort zone, I nodded. “Okay, I’d love to go.”

“What? Really?” Harriet’s eyes looked as if they might pop out of her head. “Did you really say yes?”

I laughed. “Don’t look so shocked or I might change my mind.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

In hindsight, I probably should’ve asked where we were going because we ended up at Steak-mart, my least favorite restaurant. Despite the miserable atmosphere and horrible food, however, I ended up enjoying myself.

As Jan told a hilarious story about her husband, I noticed an attractive older gentleman entering the restaurant with a stunning woman who was way too young for him. They were both dressed up, making me think they had to be on a date.

As they came closer, I realized the older man was Salvador. Embarrassed, I looked away, not wanting to be caught staring at my ex-husband.

He hadn’t brought a date to Steak-mart, had he? Back when he courted me, he had much more game than Steak-mart. Not that my ex-husband’s dating life was any of my business.

Returning my attention to the ladies at my table, I tried not to think about Salvador. Coming here tonight had been a good decision. While I was still very much the outsider, given my age and marital status, I enjoyed Harriet and the other ladies.

As the group began complaining about their own mothers, I excused myself and left the table. I was, after all, closer to their mothers’ ages than to theirs. Although perhaps I should’ve stayed and taken notes, given all my shortcomings.

When I came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, Salvador was waiting for me. “Hey, Ruthie.” He grinned at me in a way that reminded me of the first time he’d asked me out.

We’d been at a swim party for his cousin. I thought Salvador seemed like a nice guy, but he was super cute, so I never imagined he’d be interested in me. Cheryl, with her long dark hair, was the prettier, more outgoing twin. By contrast, I was plain-looking and a little boring. My ideal way to spend an evening was reading a good book, playing the piano, or working a jigsaw puzzle.

When Salvador suggested we see a movie sometime, I laughed. I seriously thought he was joking. Little did I know that would be the beginning of everything.

“What are you smiling about?” Salvador asked, interrupting my reverie.

I glanced at the crowd of people chatting and laughing as they enjoyed their food. “I’m not smiling about anything.”


Ignoring his question, I asked one of my own. “Are you here on a date?”

He shrugged. “It’s a first date, but we’ve both already decided we’re not a good fit. Actually, I think she mixed me up with someone else because she seemed extremely disappointed when she saw me.”

“I’m sorry.”

He shrugged. “It happens.”

“Does it? I mean, do you go out on a lot of dates?”

“A fair amount. At least, lately I have.”

“Oh?” I pushed away a feeling of disappointment that made no sense whatsoever. The two of us hadn’t been together in a long time. He was obviously free to date whomever he wanted. It wasn’t like I was going to date him again.

Salvador shoved a hand through his hair. “I’m tired of being alone, but I just can’t seem to find the right person, you know?”

I held his gaze for a brief moment. Then I looked away. “Have you ever considered taking them somewhere else besides Steak-mart?”

“What do you mean?” His smile told me he knew exactly what I meant.