I refrained from touching my jaw. While it still hurt, my physical pain paled in comparison to everything else.

Had the man’s gun not jammed, he might’ve shot me, leaving me for dead as he did Cheryl. Instead, he used his gun like a hammer, bringing it down hard on my face. I’d been able to block the second blow, which hit my hand.

Then Brandy cried out from her room. For some miraculous reason, that stopped the assailant and he left.

“Ruthie.” At the sound of my name, I turned to see Sheriff Enquist lumbering from the kitchen toward me. His broad shoulders slumped as his eyes met mine.

A wave of relief washed over me. I’d known the sheriff most of my life. His presence always brought a sense of comfort and stability, and I was happy to see him.

Years ago, during our father’s short stint in rehab for alcohol, Cheryl and I had lived with the sheriff and his wife. In fact, I’d come back to Texas because of a letter from Mrs. Enquist, expressing concern about my father’s cancer diagnosis and declining health.

Stopping in front of me, the sheriff met my gaze. “How are you holding up, Ruthie?”

I shook my head, unable to pretend in front of him that I was okay.

He pushed out a slow breath. “We’re going to get this guy and make him pay. I promise.”

I nodded, knowing he would follow through on his promise.

The sheriff glanced at the detective. “What do you have so far?”

The detective read aloud from his notebook. “Tall, dirty-blond hair. Vivid eyes, green maybe? A bird tattoo on the left arm. Jeans and a Panthers purple T-shirt.”

“A Panthers T-shirt?” The sheriff looked straight at me. “Was it a football jersey?”

I shook my head. “No, I don’t think so. Just a general T-shirt. It wasn’t for a specific sport.”


“What?” I felt the tiniest prickle of hope. “Do you know someone like that?”

“Maybe.” Sheriff Enquist pressed his lips together as if afraid to say too much. Nevertheless, it made me think that maybe we could find this guy and bring him to justice. Maybe we could make him pay for what he did and all that he took from us.