“No? He’s still maintaining he’s innocent?”

“He is.”

“Then how can he be eligible for parole? That doesn’t make any sense.”

I took my fear and frustration out on the counter, scrubbing hard as Amber explained that due to the recent number of overturned cases, admission of guilt was no longer a requirement for parole. “He’s been a model citizen—”

“A model citizen? He killed my twin sister. Did you know that?”

“I did.”

“He’s not getting out. He can’t.”

“That’s why I’m calling.” Amber pushed out a slow breath. “As Cheryl’s sister, you have the right to make your feelings known to the parole board. The lead voter will interview you either in person or over the phone. During this interview, you’ll be allowed to make your feelings known.

“Unfortunately, the deadline is approaching, so this coming Monday is the last day the lead voter can speak with you. I have a ten o’clock appointment available. Would that work for you?”

“Ten o’clock? This coming Monday?” My heart racing, I glanced at the calendar hanging above my desk in the kitchen. Sunday was Edmonds in Bloom, my favorite event of the entire year. If I flew down to Texas to attend the parole meeting in person, I’d have to fly out of Seattle on Sunday, thus missing the event. If I took the appointment over the phone, I might not be able to express the importance of keeping my sister’s killer in jail.

“Mrs. Hermosa?”

I tightened my grip on the phone. “I’ll be there.”

“You’ll be here in person?”

“Yes.” Panic wrapped around my throat. After that last miserable trip to Texas when Brandy was ten, I swore I’d never go back again. Despite growing up in a small town just outside of Austin, the entire state held nothing but sorrow for me.

Nevertheless, I had no choice. If I wanted to keep Eddie in prison, I had to go.

Amber filled me in on the details and asked if I had any questions. I said no because she couldn’t answer my only question.


Why had Eddie killed my sister? And why wouldn’t he give us peace by admitting it and staying where he belonged... locked up until the day he died.