“Thank you.” I walk over to the bed where he is sitting. He parts his thighs so I can step between them. I have no idea what's happening here, but I’m going to let the cards fall as they may. “You’re nothing like I thought you’d be.” I rub the scruff on his face. “And I like this.”

“You like it against the inside of your thighs.” I giggle because it’s true. “I’ll get Ace ready and meet you in the kitchen.” I lean down, giving him one more kiss before I head into the bathroom and finish getting ready.

The morning drags on, but I try to keep busy. With Roman helping me, it takes no time to get everything how I want it for Grams.

“I’ve got to make a few calls. You need anything else?”

“No. I think I’m good.”

“I love seeing this smile on your face.” He kisses my cheek.

“You put it there,” I admit. I am getting something I’ve always wanted. I’m bringing Grams home. When I first told her about the plan, she said no. She thought she’d be a burden. With a little work I finally talked her into it. I might have mentioned how excited Ace is to meet her. I really wanted her to move in here, and I wasn’t above using a little kid to help me make that happen.

“That’s always the goal.” I watch him turn and head out. I decide to go check up on Ace. He should be about done with his schooling for the day. He’s been doing a few hours with a tutor to get him ready for kindergarten. He really enjoys it.

My little guy is worn out, so I take him up for his nap, grabbing the monitor so I know when he wakes up. I go in search of my husband. I should leave him alone. I know he’s working, but I can double check, can’t I?

It hits me that I miss him. I touch the center of my chest, feeling the ache there. I’m falling in love with my husband. I was being honest when I told him he was nothing like I thought he would be.

I don’t understand why so many say he’s cut-throat. That he rules with an iron fist. At first, he was a touch cold and abrupt, but all of that quickly faded. I think it was his caveman way of being shy and not sure what to do with the bride he’d demanded.

If Roman isn’t with Ace or me, he’s usually in his office. I head that way but slow my pace as I grow closer. He’s shouting at someone.

“I don’t care what you have to do, you're going to get it done by the end of the day or you’re going to be out on your ass,” he bellows. I peek in the door seeing he’s on the phone. I pull back before he notices me. He’s quiet for a long moment.

“This is your last chance. Get it handled. And if for some reason you don’t”—he pauses for a moment—“I suggest you get out of the country because there is nowhere you’ll be able to hide that I won’t find you.” I hear something drop. I’m guessing it’s his phone onto his desk.

“Are you going to hover outside my door, baby?” I peek back around the corner. He’s got a smile on his face. His demeanor has changed completely.


“Come here.” He motions to me. I do as he asks. My feet moving before my mind even registers that I am. He pushes back in his chair and pats his leg. I sit and he pulls me more into him. “Are you okay?” His fingers play with the ends of my hair.

“Yes, I was only wandering around.”

“You can wander this way anytime you like.” He noses the side of my hair, breathing me in. “You always smell so fucking good.”

“If you’re busy I can go.” I try to stand up, but he doesn't let me get anywhere.

“I’m never too busy for my wife.” Something inside of me settles.

“Is everything okay?” That conversation was so heated. He flipped it off like it was nothing.

“Work shit.” I lean back to look at him.

“You were rather angry.” Now I’m understanding why others have labeled him as being cut-throat.

“I am, but he’ll get it handled.”

I let out a small laugh. “I don’t think you gave him much of a choice.”

“I didn't get where I am by being a nice man, Fawn. I can be fair, sure. But if you cross me, I will make an example out of you so that way the next person who thinks about it knows better.”

I lick my lips that suddenly feel dry. Is it terrible that I’m turned on? “What if I do something you don’t like?”

His face softens. “You’re the exception to the rule. I think if you paid close attention, you’d see you’re the one with all the control.” I stare into his dark gaze, trying to understand. What if his attention for me is fleeting? Now that he has me, maybe the thrill will slowly begin slipping away. His hand inches up my thigh until it's under my dress. I always forget about everything else when he’s touching me.