“I hate thunderstorms. Can I stay with you for a while?”

You can stay with me forever. I want to say those words out loud, but it’s too soon.

“Of course.” I lie back down. She does the same. I want to grab her and pull her into me. Two bad I don’t have a tiny ass bed. Her cherry smell starts to fill my space. My balls are starting to ache. I’m pretty sure I gave myself a case of blue balls.

“Knox?” She whispers my name. I can’t take it anymore. I roll over to my side, grabbing her and pulling her into my body.

“Yeah, Bunny?” She presses her cheek against my chest.

“Never mind. I was gonna ask if I could move closer.” I let out a laugh.

“Bunny, I’m going to say it again: You can do whatever the hell you want when it comes to me. I’m not going to stop you. I can promise you that.”

“I thought you might come over but…” My hold on her tightens.

“I wanted to, but I didn’t want to scare you.”

“Right.” She puffs out a breath. “I don’t care if you come into my room either. You’re different. I know I’m safe when you’re near.” I’m not so sure of that. If she could see into my mind, she'd be running for the hills.

Lightning lights up the room, followed by a crack of thunder. Whitney tenses in my arms.

“I’ve got you.” I keep her close all night long. It’s bittersweet having her in my arms this way. I don’t care if my balls ache for the rest of my life.

I’m never letting her go.



I yawn, snuggling deeper down into the blankets. I’m in a cocoon of warmth. I try to wiggle to roll over, but I don’t get far.

“You’re killing me.” I freeze at the deep voice, remembering I slept in Knox’s room last night. He pulls me back from the small space I’d made when I tried to roll over. He has his arm wrapped around my waist. My back is pressed into his chest.

“I’m sorry. Did I wake you?” From the sound of it, I don’t think he slept very well last night. I hate the disappointment that hits me with that thought. Last night I slept the best I have in years. My body let go, knowing Knox wouldn’t let anything happen to me. Normally I can’t fall asleep at all during a storm. But with his arms wrapped around me, I drifted off peacefully.

“You didn’t wake me.”

“Oh.” I try to roll over and face him.


“What? Are you okay?”

“Please stop moving.” I do as he asks, settling into his big body.

“Oh!” I squeak when I realize the problem. Knox’s hard cock is pressed into my butt. The shirt I went to bed in has ridden all the way up to the middle of my stomach.

“Yeah.” He buries his face in my hair from behind. “You always smell so damn good.” His fingers drift back and forth along the top of my panties. I start to get turned on. Warmth pools in my stomach, and I start to get wet between my thighs.

I wiggle again, unable to help myself. “You enjoy torturing me?” He doesn't sound mad, but he does, however, sound like he’s hurting. As the throb between my legs grows, I think I’m going to be hurting here soon too.

“Knox.” I breathe his name, dropping my head back to rest on his chest. “It’s torturing me too.”

“You want me to fix it, Bunny?” He pushes my hair out of his way and places open-mouth kisses on my neck, making me whimper. I had no idea that a few kisses on your neck could be so erotic.

“Yes. I want to fix it for you too.” His fingers grip my panties.

“You can tell me to stop at any time.”

“Don't stop. Please.”

“Fuck, you feel so damn good.” He starts to work my panties down my thighs. I wiggle, helping him by using my feet to kick them free once they get farther down my legs. His hand cups my sex.

“Not fair. If you get to feel me, I want to feel you too.”

“So demanding,” he growls. It helps that I’m not facing him. He can’t see the heat rushing to my cheeks. It makes me bolder. He shifts, and a moment later his cock is pressed against my ass. His fingers part the lips of my sex.

“You’re bare. Who did you shave your pussy for, Bunny?” His cock slides along my ass, leaving a wet trail. Is he getting as wet as me?

“For you,” I admit. I tried to do one of those straight lines down the middle, but I failed and ended up shaving it all off. I actually enjoy how it feels against my panties.

“When?” He grabs my thigh, lifting and pulling it to him. He locks it between his legs, making me spread out more. Two of his fingers press against my clit.