“Knox!” Three teachers come jogging our way. “Call the police and an ambulance.” Mr. Parks shakes his head. “You’ve gone too far this time, Knox. Get your ass to the office and don’t move from there.”

Knox doesn't even acknowledge him. “You okay?”

“Yes. You should go. I don’t want you to get into more trouble because of me.”

“Worth it.”

I stand in the hallway watching him walk to the office. One of the other teachers follows behind him. Not sure what to do, I step back into my last class and spot my phone on the teacher’s desk. I grab it and send a text to Kennedy, letting her know that she might need to get up to the school.

I head to the office too, but when I get there I don’t see Knox. I drop down in one of the seats and wait.

The realization of why that darkness in Knox pulls me to him dawns on me. He could protect me. No one would ever be able to hurt me again.

Except him.



I sit in Dr. Blake’s office as he talks to Kennedy and Oz. Kennedy has tears running down her cheeks. The officer standing next to me has already made it clear I’m being arrested.

“You’re not going to tell us why you attacked Jett?” Oz pushes. He’s had his attention on me the whole time.

“He had it coming” is all I say. I have no idea if Whitney wants anyone to know what happened, so I keep my mouth shut.

“Knox already said he grabbed Jett first. Jett swung on him in self-defense and Knox let loose on him after that. Jett confirmed the story,” Dr. Blake says. I can see the disappointment on his face too. I’ve actually always liked our principal here. He’s normally fair.

“Up,” the cop says. I stand, putting my hands behind my back. Kennedy starts to cry harder. It claws at my insides seeing her so upset. She doesn’t deserve this. Oz pulls her into his side as the cop slaps the cuffs on.

“Keep your mouth shut, and we’ll be down there with a lawyer soon.” Oz’s words surprise me. I was sure he was going to let me learn a lesson the hard way.

The cop opens the door and leads me out. I spot Whitney sitting in one of the office chairs. Her head comes up. When she sees me, her eyes go wide and she’s on her feet instantly.

“What’s happening?” Her tone is panicked.

“Knox assaulted Jett. We don’t take that lightly,” Dr. Blake tells her.

“But I don’t understand.” Those damn tears start to slide down her cheeks. I want to go to her. I want to pull her into my arms and comfort her. But right now that’s not a possibility with my hands cuffed behind my back.

“It’s okay, honey. We’ll get this worked out,” Kennedy tells Whitney.

“It doesn't make sense. He saved me. Jett tried to…” She trails off but tries again. “Tried to…” Again she can’t get the words out. Everyone’s attention swings to Whitney. Even the cop has stopped walking.

“I had no idea you were a part of any of this,” Dr. Blake says. “Why don’t you come into my office and we can all talk.” Whitney only nods, but all her attention is on me.

“You didn’t tell them?” Her voice is whisper soft.

“Didn’t know if you wanted anyone to know,” I respond. More tears pour down her cheeks.

“Take the cuffs off him but don’t go anywhere.” Dr. Blake directs the cop.

The cop removes the cuffs before everyone files back into Dr. Blake’s office. Except for Oz. He drops down into the seat next to mine. I have no clue what he is going to say.

My biggest worry at the moment is Whitney. I’ve been working to make her think I wasn’t some rabid beast, but once again she got a front row show to it. I might have been saving her, but that doesn't mean she’ll really want something to do with me now. She’s so timid. She spooks easily. Someone must have laid hands on her at some point. Kennedy alluded to that before.

Jett is a fucking predator. I’m sure he spotted her that first day. He saw my bunny and wanted to chase it. Knew it would be an easy kill. I grip the armrest, my anger building inside of me once again.

“You got your hits. Don’t let the anger consume you. It will scare her, and I’m guessing that's the last thing you want to do.” I take a breath, releasing my grip. “I wasn't an angry kid but I was an asshole a lot of the time. Cold and driven. I had one purpose. To make money. Nothing else or no one else mattered.” I turn my head toward Oz.

He still can be an asshole from time to time. I’ve seen him in action when it comes to work. Where he’s not an asshole is at home. I’ve been impressed all the times I pushed him and he never laid me out flat. Especially when I first came to stay with them. He never faltered. He never let me get the best of him. I respect him for that. It shows what kind of man he truly is.