“That’s enough,” Mr. Smith cuts in.

The distraction gives me just enough time to make my escape.



I grip the side of the desk, watching my timid little bunny make her escape. Oz’s words from this morning haunt me. He was right. My shit is going to blow back on me. I run my hand down my face wondering what the hell has gotten into me. The smell of cherries and honey lingers long after she’s gone. That explains the fucking hard-on from earlier and the reason it’s back.

The last few minutes of class tick by slowly. I debate getting up and walking out, but I’ve pissed Oz off enough for one day. I’m not going to push it. He’s a good man, and he really doesn’t deserve all the grief I give him. I’ll just have to be patient. My little bunny couldn’t have gone far anyway.

I’m intrigued and confused by my reaction to her. The instant attraction and shot of lust that hit me when she lifted her head, her eyes locking on mine, wasn’t something I was accustomed to. No one has ever garnered that sort of reaction from me. But whatever it was was short lived when I saw the fear in her eyes. Her reaction to me felt as if it was a sucker punch to my gut.

Fear is the response I prefer to elicit from most people. It almost guarantees they’ll stay the hell away from me and keep my name out of their mouths. My first year here at Montgomery Hall Prep was rough, considering I was coming in at the age of fifteen to a world I clearly didn’t belong in. People ran their mouths to and about me. I did it right back, but I did it better.

Just like with little Miss Jennifer that tried to sink her fangs into Whitney. If Jennifer is even her name. They all start to blend together. The bitches around here can be ruthless to new girls. It’s worse if they’re pretty, but Whitney is way more than that; she’s breathtaking. Not in an overpowering way. It’s a soft beauty that screams of her innocence.

Her big blue eyes were wide with fear as she stared back at me earlier. That shit is going to haunt me until I can figure out a way to fix it. I don’t know why, but the thought of her only knowing that one side of me doesn’t sit well with me. I want her to see more.

The second Mr. Smith releases us from class, I’m up from my chair and heading into the hallway. Being taller than everyone else lets me see over everyone’s heads. I make my way toward the office still not seeing her. I spot Miss Coolie behind her desk. I pull open the door and go right toward her. A blush hits her cheeks when she sees me, and she licks her lips.

I’m not even going to lie, I’ve flirted with her from time to time. It came in handy with me being late so often. She has this whole innocent thing going on. I think she’s got some messed-up bad boy fantasy in her head. I’m guessing her fiancé isn’t giving it to her well enough. She should drop him and find someone else that’s not me. But that doesn’t mean that I won’t use her attraction to me to my advantage for the time being.

“Are you in trouble already?” She gives me a smile.

“Not right now.”

“I heard about the fight this morning. You okay?” Her eyes drop to my hands. My knuckles are still torn up. “I could fix that up for you if you want.” She reaches out to touch my hand. I jerk it back. Not only because I don’t care to be touched, but it feels wrong.

“New girl. Why was she called down to the office?” I ignore her offer and get straight to the point. I don’t have it in me to try and flirt with her today. Again, it seems wrong to flirt to get information about a girl that is messing with my head in both a good and bad way.

“I’m not sure. She met with your sister when she got down here.” I pull my phone out, leaving the office without a backwards glance. I head toward my car, hopping in when I get to it. The phone continues to ring as I wait for my sister to pick up her damn phone.

“Hello,” Faith finally answers.

“Where did you and the new girl go?” The line goes quiet for a long moment.

“Why do you care? You were a dick to her.” With that, she hangs up on me.

Shit. She must be extra pissed. I can almost get away with murder when it comes to my sister. But I don’t make it a habit to pick on random girls who are minding their own business for the most part. This one had knocked right into me. My kneejerk reaction to run my mouth was instant, and now I’m regretting that shit.