“If you want to run your fucking mouth why can’t your pussy ass do it to my face? Or are you too big of a bitch?” the tattooed guy says. He’s so unfazed that he’s squaring off with two people. He is bigger than them, but it is still two against one.

“I don’t make a habit of talking to trash,” one of the boys tosses back. The other one isn’t looking so certain he wants to be involved in any of this.

“Seriously. This is the first day.” Faith lets out a long sigh.

“Your mom sure enjoyed this trash last night when she sucked my dick. Your daddy must not be giving your mom what she needs.” I gasp, putting my hand over my mouth.

“And here we go.” Faith starts heading toward the three of them.

“You motherfucker.” The preppy boy swings at the tattooed one. He easily dodges it, then nails the preppy boy right in the stomach. He doubles over. The second boy goes for him from behind. I want to shout out, “Behind you!” but he turns in time. He grabs the boy by the neck, pinning him up against the locker. My heart pounds as anxiety starts to rise in me. I clench my hands into fists to stop them from shaking. Angry men always make me shut down. I breathe through my nose, trying to calm myself so I don’t have a panic attack.

“Who is surprised Knox is already fighting?” I hear one of the girls standing close by say.

“Some things never change. He gets off on being a bully.” The other girl shakes her head. No one seems fazed by any of this.

“He can get me off anytime he wants.” She tosses right back, and they both break out in laughter. “I did hear he was nailing a few of the moms. So maybe there is some truth to what he said.”

I pull my attention away from them as a few teachers flood the hallways to break up the commotion. Faith is trying to talk to the boy with the tattoos. He actually seems to listen to her, releasing his hold from around the boy's neck.

“Everyone get to class now!” a teacher shouts. Kids start scattering, including myself. I’ve been at my new school for less than an hour, and I already almost had an anxiety attack.

Stick to the plan, I remind myself. Head down. Be invisible.

Too bad some people can see right through me.



“He swung first.” I shrug. Oz, my guardian, gives me a Are you fucking serious? look.

“I saw the tape. You baited him.” They baited me too. They called me trash. The word always gets to me.

“I defended myself. They're a bunch of douchebags. They need a good ass kicking.”

“That may be true, but it’s not your job. Now get your ass up and get to class while I smooth this shit over.” Fuck me. He’s not mad. He’s disappointed. I hate that I care. Why can’t he be mad like a normal parent?

“Fine.” I stand, coming to my feet. I shot the hell up over the summer. Somehow I’m now an inch taller than him. Not that he’s intimidated by me. I don’t think there is much that scares Oz.

“One day these antics are going to keep you from something you want in life.” Not sure how that will happen when I don’t even know what I want in life. “Don’t bring this up to your mom unless she asks. It will upset her.” He’s right. It will. Then she’ll be all over me asking me about my feelings. I'm not going to tell her.

“Fine,” I say again before I make my way to class. I remind myself I only have one more year left of this place and then I’m fucking out of here. To do what, I don’t know, but anything is better than dealing with these douchebags on a daily basis.

I head to my first class, dropping down in my seat. I pull out my phone, not paying attention to whatever the hell the teacher is saying. For as much as this fancy school costs, some of the teachers aren’t the smartest. They get extra pissed when you correct them too. It can be mildly entertaining.

I coast through most of the day, everyone staying away from me for the most part. That’s the way I prefer it. I can hear the hushed whispers. I’m sure they are talking about what happened this morning.

Ace drops down in the seat across from mine in the lunchroom. I glance around, wondering what the fuck he’s doing.

“Faith is showing the new girl around,” Ace says, answering my unspoken question. Ace is a rash I can’t get rid of to save my life. When I came to live with the Osbornes he was always around. We’ve gotten into a few fist fights over the years.