“Do you have pants on?” I ask.

“If you’re asking if my cock is covered the answer is yes.” My face blooms with heat.

“You’re a jerk.” I get into the bed with a huff. I instantly feel bad for calling him a name. I shouldn't because he really is one.

“So I’ve been told.” He turns the page of his book. I lie there looking up at the canopy. This bed is made for royalty. It’s also the most comfortable thing I’ve ever lain on in my life.

“Why did you need a wife?” I find myself asking. He closes his book, setting it down before he turns to face me.

“Because I wanted you.”



Her beautiful eyes widen at my admission. My cock is once again hard. I took care of myself in the shower, but one look at her is all it took. The smell of sweet cherries fills the room every time she’s near. Fuck, she’s breathtaking. And all mine.

Her mouth opens and closes for a moment. Her eyebrows pull together, making her look adorable. She was so good with Ace. She didn't miss a beat. I knew she would be good for him.

“I’m sorry I called you a jerk.” She folds her arms over her chest. A bark of laughter leaves me. Her sweetness has no bounds. I was being a jerk. I deserved to be called one, but I can tell that she hates the idea of calling someone a name. She’s so damn innocent. I don’t deserve her, but still I took her for myself.

“It’s fine, Fawn. I want you to speak freely.” I reach over, flicking the light off.

“I don’t understand,” she says after a few minutes.

“Ace needs a mom.” Maybe that will help her get more comfortable with the idea of being married.

“Why did we have to get married?” I thought I cleared this up a few minutes ago when I told her that I married her because I wanted her, but I guess not. “Are we talking a forever kind of thing or only until Ace grows up?” I take a deep breath, trying to keep myself calm at the thought of her ever trying to leave me.

“Forever,” I answer. There is no question about that. She shifts on the bed. My eyes adjust to the darkness so I can truly take in every detail of her face. I still can’t believe she’s finally in my bed. Even her just taking out her braid felt erotic.

“Can I still work?” she asks softly.

“You do not need to work. I want you here.”

“Please.” She wiggles around again. “I need my job to help pay for my gram’s nursing home.”

“I’ve taken over the account. It’s handled.” She sucks in a breath. “Got her moved to a private room too.”

“Thank you.”

Warmth fills me at her approval. The sensation is odd to me. I’m clearly pleased that she’s happy I did something for her. Something I’ve never cared about before. What others think about me is not my concern. But I find it’s not the same when it comes to her. “Why all the clothes?”

“You’re my wife, Fawn. You need to act as such. You can’t be pulling away from me and avoiding me. You’re going to have to get used to my touch and my mouth.”


“That’s not sex.” The room grows quiet again. “In fact, I want my goodnight kiss.”

She clung to me when I kissed her earlier. For a brief moment she’d let go and let me have a taste of that sweetness she has. It was intoxicating, and I need more. I want all of it. She doesn't respond. I reach over, pulling her into me. She lets out a small scream before I cover her mouth with mine.

At first she doesn't respond, but just like the last time, she starts to melt in my hands. “Kiss me back.” I slide my tongue into her mouth. A small moan comes from her that goes straight to my dick before she finally slips her tongue into my mouth.

Her soft hands come to my chest as I run mine up and down her side. She really is perfect everywhere. I want more. My whole body is demanding it. I jerk back before I lose all control. That small taste of perfection has done nothing to quell my appetite.

“Good night.” She rolls over, giving me her back. I grab her again, pulling her into my chest before wrapping my arm around her. Her ass presses against my cock, and I fight not to groan out loud. “You’re a brute.”

“And you’re my wife.” She lets out one of those little huffs of hers that do nothing but turn me on more. She does it when I annoy her. I bury my face in her hair because I’m clearly a masochist.

“Can I visit my grams?”