“Yep.” She shoves another bite of pancake into her mouth. “He’s been teaching me about the stock market.” I snort a laugh. She jabbers on about all the things he told her. I don’t even understand some of what she’s saying, but Faith has always been a sponge when it comes to information.

“Can I get my favorite girls anything else while I’m up?” Dane asks, setting a plate in front of me.

“We’re good,” Faith answers for us. Dane sits back down.

The two of them fall right back into talking about stocks. I watch them, getting a taste of the kind of father Dane is going to be. Seeing them together gives me hope that maybe one day we’ll be able to take Faith from here. If that’s something she chooses.

“Faith!” We all turn to see Ace running toward our table. Faith jumps up as he wraps her in a tight hug. “I missed you,” I hear him say to her.

“Missed you too.” She takes his hand. “Can we go to the circle rug to read?” Faith asks.

“Of course, sweetheart.” They both head off together hand in hand. I don’t miss that Dane is glaring at Ace. I smack his shoulder but secretly love how he’s already protective of her.

“They’re kids,” I remind him.

“Eat. You’ve only had three bites.”

“You’re counting?” I pick up my fork.

“Always.” He pulls on the end of my ponytail.

“I can’t leave.”

“Would never ask you to.”

“Sorry.” My eyes start to fill with tears. “I can’t help it. These hormones make me want to cry even when I’m happy.” He lets out a deep chuckle.

“Thank God Faith is back.” Fawn drops down where Faith was sitting. “Ace has been a freaking mess. He even talked his father into hiring someone to find her last night.”

“Oz. Can I have a moment?” I turn my head to see Roman standing behind me. He must have come in shortly after his wife. Dane and Roman have some unspoken conversation with their eyes.

“Yeah.” He pushes back from his chair. “Think we’re going to need more than a moment.”

“Holy hell.” Fawn grabs my hand. “You’re married?” I nod. “And I wasn't invited?”

“It was spur of the moment and super fast. It was over before I really knew what was even happening,” I try to explain. I should have called her last night, but my new husband knocked me out with orgasms.

“I can say I honestly understand that.” We both burst into laughter. This is true. Roman had Fawn married to him within seconds after them meeting. “You could hurt someone with that thing.” She releases my hand.

“You’re one to talk.” Fawn holds her hand out, looking at her own ring.

“Our husbands are a lot alike.” They really are. “I take it things are going well then. Anything coming back?”

“They are wonderful. We found out yesterday that we’re having a boy.”

“Ah! I can’t wait to have this baby shower. It’s going to be epic. Wait. You’re staying, right? You’re not going to leave Healing Homes, are you?” The smile falls from her face.

“Not right now with everything going on with Faith.”

“Are you two going to fight for custody or foster?”

“Gosh, that sounds wonderful. We haven't gotten much of a chance to talk except for me telling him I can’t leave here right now, and he agreed.”

“It’s all going to work out. Roman and I talked last night about fostering her. We already have our license and approval. I got it early on in case something ever came up.” A mix of emotions hit me.

“Wait, you’re going to try and take her?”

“Of course not,” she rushes to say. “We could take her home for a few days while you and Oz get everything together. That little girl needs to be with you if that’s possible.”


“Don’t be. That’s the mama bear in you.” She winks at me. I check behind me to make sure Dane isn’t near.

“Not much has come back. I might not remember my life with Dane, but I know I love him. I felt it from that moment he found me.”

“True love.” Fawn sighs.

“I did have a dream about him. It was him taking my virginity,” I whisper.

“That’s good.”

“I’m not sure if it’s real.”

“Ask him. I have no doubt he remembers every second of that night.” She laughs.

“Okay but the thing is”—I check behind me again—“I’ve had other dreams and I really hope they’re not real.” Fawn’s eyes widen.

“What were they about? Spill it.”

“In one, his mom knew I was pregnant, and she offered me money to leave Dane and never come back.”

“Oh shit.” She drops back in her chair.

“Yeah. I mean Dane has said his family can be shitty, but it’s still his mom.” Fawn nods. “What if I took her offer?” I voice the fear that’s been lingering in my mind.

“You didn’t.”

“How do you know?”