“Are you always this intense?” I drop my head, realizing that was rude. “I’m sorry. I just meant…”

“Yes.” He comes back over, offering me his hand. Without a thought I reach up and take it. He guides me over to where the sofa is in front of the fireplace. “You’re the only one who can ever get me to relax.” He pulls me down with him, putting me onto his lap. I feel sexy and feminine like this.

“I find that a bit hard to believe.” I run my finger down his jaw. From the moment Dane showed up today, his hands have barely even left me.

He always has to be touching me. I’m finding I’m starting to do the same. I crave him. There is something deep inside of me that recognizes him. That wants to be around him.

“The last few months have been hell. I don’t see myself relaxing until I know everything that happened that day.”

“We could move past it. What if we never find out? Will this haunt us for years to come?” The questions pour from my mouth.

“I will find out.” He says it with such confidence I believe him. “They could try again.” My hand goes to my stomach, and I realize Dane’s is already there. He leans in, kissing the shell of my ear. “They won’t get close enough. No one will ever touch a hair on your head again as long as I’m still breathing.”

I turn my head, my mouth coming to his. My eyes fall closed. Dane’s fingers wrap around the back of my neck, his thumb at my chin, tilting my head back more to deepen the kiss. I need to be closer. Everything inside of me is screaming for that.

I shift, turning my body around to face him, my knees dropping to either side of his legs. “Kennedy.” Dane groans my name. “I missed you so damn much, baby.” Emotions start to overwhelm me. A sense of belonging fills me.

“I know it sounds crazy,” I say. “But I missed you too. That emptiness inside of me was because I was missing you.”

“Baby. Don’t cry.” He kisses my cheeks. “I’ve got you.”

“And you love me,” I add. It never gets old having that reminder. I didn’t think anyone loved me in the way this man does. I’d felt so alone and lost.

“Yes, I love you. More than anything.” I start to cry harder. “If you keep that up I’m not going to be able to say it anymore.” I’m about to protest when I see the teasing smile on his lips.

A hard knock on the door has me jumping, pressing myself more into Dane. My fingers grip his shirt in a tight hold.

“It’s fine.” He drops another kiss on me. I expect him to quickly answer the door, but he takes his time, not caring that someone is still knocking and ringing the doorbell. The pounding on the door becomes more persistent with each second that passes.

“Open this door or we’ll kick it down.” I hear Fawn’s familiar voice bellow through the door.

Guilt immediately settles in my stomach that I hadn’t even thought to call her and tell her or anyone else where I was. I get to my feet and head toward the door, knowing that if she doesn’t see me for herself, she’ll never leave. “We know you have her, Dane. Roman is going to Hulk smash this door in about ten seconds if you don’t hand her over.”

I know I shouldn’t, but I smile, picturing her dragging Roman here to come to my rescue. That man loves her so much that he would do anything she asked. Before I can reach for the door, an arm wraps around me, lifting me off the floor and moving me back a few feet before putting me down.

“At this point, I consider everyone to be a threat to you. I’ll answer the door.” He stares down at me as though he’s waiting for something. He thinks I’m going to push back but I’m not. I might think it’s a bit much but if it makes him feel better he can answer the door if he wants to.

“Okay.” The smile he gives me makes it even more worth it. He turns, flipping the lock before pulling open the door. I peek around his broad frame to see Fawn trying to bolt into the room, but Roman has a hold on her.

“What?” is all Dane says.

“What? You stole our Winnie.” She tilts her chin all the way up. Roman’s eyes connect with mine as he assesses the situation.

“I can’t steal what’s mine,” Dane replies before he folds his arms over his chest. “Roman.” He nods.

“Didn’t know you were in town, Dane.”

“Didn’t know I needed to check in with anyone.” A stare-off ensues.

“I’m fine,” I quickly say, not wanting some fight to break out.