I pull back, gasping for air, my lips feeling swollen. A slow smile spreads across his face. I was right, it does make him more handsome. Not that it matters. He’s the devil, and I’d do best to remember that. I try to step back but realize that my fingers are clinging to his shirt. I quickly drop them away. His smile leaves his face and is instantly replaced with a look I can’t explain. I watch as he licks his lips. My nipples tighten against my will at the sight. What the hell is happening here?

“I just need you both to sign here.” I jerk my gaze back to the priest. I’d completely forgotten about him. Heat rushes to my face, knowing he not only witnessed us taking our vows but the small make out session that happened after. Hell, at least I look the part of a willing bride at this point.

Roman takes the pen and paper from his hand before walking over to a table and signing it. He then turns his attention back on me, holding the pen out for me to do the same. I walk over, taking it from him. I stare down at the marriage license. I’m married. It was something I’d always wanted. But I never imagined that this would be the way it happened. As I sign my name, I know I’m signing away a life I’ve dreamed about since I was a little girl. One that included true love.

Roman lets out another one of his approving grunts, handing the paper back to the priest. “She’ll need a name change as soon as possible.”

“What? Why? That wasn't part of…” I stop talking when he levels me with a look that tells me this isn’t up for discussion. I glare right back at him, letting him know I’m not happy. You know what that handsome jerk does? He smirks! I’m not sure why I even care about the name change. It’s not as if I want my father’s name, but still.

“You will be Mrs. King.”

I think I already am.



I stare into the fireplace, growing more restless with each minute that passes. George took Fawn up to her room. Our room. I reach down, adjusting my cock. I’ve been rock hard since I got a taste of that sweet mouth of hers. The wedding went easier than I thought. I know I was a brute. I barely kept it together. I wanted to pick her up and throw her over my shoulder to get to the priest faster. She wasn't moving quickly enough. I didn't need to give her more time to think.

The library was picked on purpose. One of the things my men found when digging into her life is that every Saturday, she visits her local library. She enters with a stack of books and hours later she leaves with new ones. I’d wanted to impress her. Show her that things don’t have to be bad here. In fact, I could make them very good if she’ll allow me to. She could be happy here with me.

“Sir!” George calls. “I told her dinner is at seven and Ace is on his way back from the stables now.” I nod. “Will he be joining you for this dinner?”

“Yes.” Most of the time Ace and I just eat at the island in the kitchen, but I am going to have something more formal tonight. I also think he’ll be a good buffer. The kid is sweet and charming. It took no time for him to grow on me.

I pace back and forth in my office, trying to waste some time, which seems to be moving at a snail's pace. It doesn't help that I check my watch every two seconds.

“Ro!” Ace shouts. I can hear his feet hitting the marble floor in the entryway. I can tell he’s on a dead run towards me.

“Don’t run!” I shout back, worried he could slip and hit the floor. The marble is nice but maybe I should look into something a little more child friendly.

“Sorry.” He huffs a breath when he makes it to my office door. He’s still in his riding gear. He’s taken to riding like a fish to water. He swears he’s going to grow up and be a cowboy. The horses are how I got him to come out of his shell in the first place.

“How was your lesson?”

“It was fine, but you’ll never believe what we found in the stables. Two kittens!” Fuck me. “We need to save them. I don’t see their mommy anywhere. She’s probably dead.” His bottom lip puffs out. And in that moment, I know that I am now the proud owner of two kittens because there is no way I’ll be able to tell him no. But I still try to dissuade him.