“Call an ambulance,” he orders. I’m still not sure what I’m going to do about John, but I’m not going to kill him in front of Fawn. She doesn't need to see that.

“You okay?” I rub my hands up and down her back.

“Yes, they were going to try and get money from you.” Of course my sweet Fawn has guilt in her fucking eyes that shouldn’t be there. She has no idea I’d give everything I have for her.

“I figured.” It would have worked too. I watch as John starts to try to stand. I release my hold on Fawn, walking over toward him.

“I’m sorry. We weren’t going to hurt her, I swear.” He starts to piss himself.

“You hit her.”

“It was an accident!” I don’t even respond to his pathetic response. I punch him square in the nose. I hear the crack as he falls back onto the ground. He cries out in pain. I might not have to deal with him at all. Whoever he owes money to will be catching up with him soon.

“Are you ready to go home?”

“Can we?” I can see the hope in her eyes.

“We can do anything you want.” I’ll deal with this shit later. They can come out to the house to get my statement.

“Take me home, Roman.”

I do exactly that.



I tuck Ace into bed after reading him his favorite bedtime story. It took me a while to convince him that I was okay and that no one was going to take me from him again. Roman watches me from the chair in the corner of Ace’s room. He hasn’t left my side since we got home.

The car ride home was quiet. I could see the tension in Roman’s body. I know he’s trying to keep it together, but I can tell he’s probably holding on by a very thin thread. He tried to get me to rest when we got home, but I insisted on putting Ace to bed. I didn’t want to change anything up or make this out to be anything bigger than it needed to be in front of Ace.

I run my fingers through my Ace’s hair before leaning down to place a kiss on his cheek. My fear tonight was more about how Ace and Roman would handle things if something did happen to me. Ace has already lost too much in his young life. And Roman I’m learning that I bring him into the light. That I show him there is more to life than work and ruling with an iron fist.

The second I come to my feet, Roman is on me. I have a feeling my possessive husband is going to be hovering over me a lot for the near future. I don’t care. It’s nice to have someone worry over me. I haven't had that nearly enough in my life.

Roman puts his arm around me as we make our way to our bedroom. I pause when we enter, and I see an older woman in scrubs standing there.

“Mrs. King. I’m Dr. Sims.” She greets me with a smile.

“Hi,” I say, but look up to Roman. “I’m fine,” I try to reassure him.

“Do this for me.” He cups my face, his thumb brushing back and forth over my cheek where my father had smacked me.

“Okay,” I agree, willing to do anything if it will put him at ease. I know he’d do just about anything if I asked him.

The doctor starts to do her exam while Roman comes in and out of the bedroom. I have no idea what he’s up to, but it’s something.

“Do you think we need all this? I mean, I was only slapped.”

Dr. Simms shrugs. “It’s never a bad idea to run your blood and urine for a health check. When was your last physical?” I cringe having no freaking clue, proving her point.

“Anything else?” I ask. We’re standing in the master room together. Her eyes flick to the door and back to me. She takes a step closer to me, her voice dropping.

“One of your husband’s worries was that you might be pregnant.” Ah. Now a few things are starting to make a lot more sense.

“I could have just taken a test.”

“I figured that out and told him so, but he worried you've been through enough today, and it might be stressful for you to take a test.”

I drop my head. “He was worried I’d be upset if I found out I was pregnant.” I give words to what she was pretty much saying. Worry starts to blossom inside me. Does he not want to have children together? I thought he did. It’s not as though we’ve ever used protection.

“No.” She lets out a small laugh. “He didn't want you to hope you were and then be disappointed.” I jerk my head up. She’s smiling brightly at me.