While he is a giant and has one scar, the only thing he eats is me. I think it’s good for him to get out too. We can’t stay hidden away forever. Especially if we’re going to be having kids. Still, Roman has been a little on edge but he’s trying to hide it.

“I could eat,” I say. Ace nods in agreement. He should be stuffed after all the popcorn, but he’s still on board for dinner. We stop outside of a restaurant to read the posted menu.

“Does this work?”

“Most definitely. I love Italian, and Ace loves meatballs.” Roman grabs the door, opening it for us. The hostess’ eyes go wide when she sees him, licking her lips. I glare at her and she quickly hides it before she shows us to our table. Roman doesn't even notice the girl checking him out. All of his attention is focused on Ace and me.

“Mommy.” Ace pulls at my hand. “I have to pee,” he whispers.

“The bathroom is that way.” The hostess points. Roman starts to get up.

“I’ve got him,” I say, heading back toward the bathroom. We both go inside one of the stalls as I wait for him. He comes out a moment later to wash his hands. The door to the bathroom opens. I freeze for a moment when I see my dad standing there. He looks like he’s aged ten years.

“Ace. Go sit with Ro. I’m going to use the bathroom,” I tell him. He stands there, staring at my father.

“He stays,” my father says. What the hell?

“Now,” I snap at Ace, wanting him as far away from my dad as possible. With my father always comes trouble. His eyes go wide, but he darts out of the bathroom. My father tries to grab him, but I push his chest, and he stumbles back a step.

“Are you nuts?” I hiss at him. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I’m saving you.” He grabs my arm. “This is the first time he’s let you out of his sight.” He starts to pull me from the bathroom. I try to shake him off.

“I don’t need saving. I love my husband.” I jerk harder this time, getting free. The wild look in my father’s eyes scares me. I take off to get back to Roman. I come up short when the place floods with police officers. They all go for Roman.

“Hey—!” I start to shout, but a hand covers my mouth. Seconds later my feet leave the ground as I’m being hauled away. I try to kick but get nowhere.

“Told you that you would need me,” the man holding me says to my father. I keep trying to fight him even as he carries me out the back door, putting me into a van.

“Dad. Please stop,” I beg him. “Why the cops?” I’m so confused. None of this makes sense.

“I told them he kidnapped you. I needed time to get you out.” I try to go for the door, but it won’t open. My dad starts the van as the other man gets into the front seat.

“He’ll kill you.”

“No, he’ll pay us,” the other man says.

“Shut it, Mark,” my father snaps at him.

“So you aren't here to save me. Of course not, because you’re a piece of shit father.” He turns to look at me in surprise. I’ve never talked to him that way before. I spit in his face. I don’t see the smack coming, but he strikes me across my face. I fall backwards as the van takes off, speeding down the back alley.

My heart pounds in fear.

“Keep your mouth shut, little girl,” Mark says, looking back at me. His eyes linger on my legs. I quickly pull my long, flowy skirt back over them. He smirks.

“Knock it off. She’s not for you. We get the money and then we’re done.” For once in my life, my father actually comes to my rescue. I sit back in my seat, praying that it truly is that easy.



Ace comes walking back toward the table without Fawn.

“Where is Fawn?” I ask him.

“The bathroom talking to some old man.” My heart sinks. That motherfucker. He dropped off the map three days ago. I never should have let her out of my sight even for a second.

“Stay here,” I tell Ace as I start to stand. Police come flooding into the restaurant, heading straight for me. What the hell is going on?

“What the hell?” I growl.

“Where is the girl?” one of the cops asks. I read his badge. Frederick.

“Are you talking about my wife?” I’m about to explode. Fawn is in danger, and these people are wasting my time.

“Wife?” Frederick looks back to another one of the cops.

“Let's talk about this outside.” Another cop tries to grab my arm.

“Touch me and I’ll have your badge.” The cop freezes. “Call the mayor.”