“I can teach my wife how to ride.” My husband's deep voice rumbles from behind me. I turn to look at him over my shoulder. He’s not in his normal suit but jeans and a black shirt that stretches across his broad chest. “Actually, I’ve already given her a few lessons.” He smirks.

I narrow my eyes at him. He’s being crude and he knows it. Roman can be a brat when other men get near me. It can be both annoying and sweet at the same time.

“I was going to check with you first, boss.” Reno lifts his hands, stepping back. He’s smiling at Roman. Everyone around here seems to be happy about Roman getting married. George says that he’s less of a bear now. That I’ve calmed something inside of him. He also says this is the happiest he’s ever seen Roman, which is nice to hear.

“Ro, watch!” Ace shouts as he does another cannonball. Roman claps for him.

“I’ll leave you all to it,” Reno drawls before he turns to head back toward the stables.

“You’re a brat,” I tell Roman as soon as Reno is out of earshot.

“And my wife is almost naked. He works at the stables, not at the pool.”

“So maybe we should get a pool boy?” I tease him. He heads for me. I try to get up and run, but he snags me around the waist, lifting me up.

“Put her down!” Ace shouts, swimming to the side to get out of the pool.

“You wouldn't.” I glare at Roman, fighting not to smile. Roman lifts his eyebrows.

“Put her down.” Ace points a water gun at Roman. This time I can’t fight my laughter as he starts to shoot Roman with it.

“Sorry, love,” Roman says before tossing me into the deep end. I let out a small scream before I hit the water.

“I’ll save you, Mommy!” Ace shouts before jumping into the pool. His words catch me off guard. I can tell from Roman’s face he’s surprised too. He gives a small shrug before smiling at me.

Ace pops up from under the water, wrapping himself around me. “I got you.”

“Thank you, honey. I’m so glad there is one gentleman around here. I know I can always count on you, sweet boy.” Ace gives Roman a smirk. I swim to the shallow end, letting Ace go when we get to the stairs. He takes my hands as we get out. “Lunch.”

“I’m starving.” He lets my hand go, taking off toward the house.

“Make sure you change and don’t let the kittens escape your room,” I shout behind him. They got out once, and it took us forever to find them. We need to start letting them out a little bit at a time, but I think we’ll wait another few months before that.

“I’m hungry too.” Roman’s eyes eat up every inch of me.

“Oh, you think you’re going to get some now?” I put my hands on my hips.

He grabs me, pulling me into his body. “All I have to do is get my mouth on you.” He’s right. Roman has woken my body up to needs I had no idea it craved.

“What do you think about the whole mommy thing?” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth.

“I think it’s fine, but we can mention it to his therapist,” he suggests.

“Good idea.” I brought the idea up about getting Ace seeing one. He hasn’t given me a reason to make me think he needed one, but I wanted to be safe. He’s gone through a lot, and I’ll do anything in my power to get him through it the best way I can.

“You are like his mom. I think it will be good for both of you. We don’t want him to feel differently when we start to have kids.” My stomach flutters. Kids aren't something we’ve really talked a lot about.

I know it’s on the table, of course. We’ve been having sex and there hasn’t been one mention of protection by either one of us. In fact, I think my period is late, but it’s too soon to let my mind go there.

“How many do you want?”

“I’d never thought about having kids until you came along.”

“Really? We don’t have to.” I don’t want to push him into it or make him think it’s something he has to do because we’re married. His hand grips my ass. He grinds his cock into my stomach.

“I never thought about any of those things. Kids, a wife, kittens.” I snort a laugh. “Then there you were, and I wanted all of it.”

“You make me feel so special, Roman.”

“You are. I don’t know how someone else didn’t get to you before I did.” I shake my head. He thinks every man wants me.

“You know, I googled you and I don’t actually look like your type.” I point out. That’s been lingering in the back of my mind. It’s silly really. The way he is with me I know I’m the only one he wants. The only woman that he’s chased down to have.