“That man loves you. I can promise you that.” She picks up her tea and takes a drink.

“I know. He told me he loves me but only one time; he never says I love you. Not when we wake up or when we go to bed.” I stop there, not wanting to broach the subject of our sex life.

“Do you say it to him?” I shake my head no. I am in love with Roman. I was before we even had our fight two weeks ago. It’s why I’d gotten so worked up thinking he only considered me one of his employees. I clearly had wanted to be way more than that or I wouldn't have been so pissy.

“No,” I admit.

“Is that all?” I shake my head no. I’m not sure I want to share the other part with her.

“Fawn, I can handle sex talk.” My mouth falls open. She smirks while taking another drink of her tea. “Back in the day I had a line of men trying to marry me.”

“Grams.” I laugh. I don’t doubt it. She was beautiful.

“So tell me,” she pushes.

“Roman doesn't have sex with me.” She gives me a confused look. “He does other things.” My face is heating by the second.

“Have you ever….” I shake my head no again. “How is that possible?”

“It’s a long story.”

“Lucky you, I’ve got all the time in the world.”

“I don’t want you to get mad,” I start off because I don’t want her opinion to change about Roman. He may not have gone about getting me to marry him the right way, but his heart was in the right place.

“I make no promises.” She sits up straighter. I spill everything, needing someone to talk to about this. Why isn’t the man having freaking sex with me? He's driving my body crazy.

She reaches over, placing her hand on top of mine. “I’m sorry John is such a piece of shit, honey.” That was not what I thought she was going to say. He is, after all, her son. “I thought he was handling everything.” She closes her eyes, shaking her head. “I had the money. He must have drained the accounts.”


“I suppose he did one good thing for you. He brought Roman into your life.”

“I thought you were going to be mad.” I was sure of it, but I wanted her to know the truth.

“Mad? You two are in love. A man doesn't trap a woman into marrying him unless he’s in love. Furthermore, he hasn’t pressed for sex either.” She has a point.

“See. Why not?” I throw my hands up. I’ve been here over a month now and still no sex. My whole body is craving it at this point.

“That’s easy, honey. You haven't begged him yet.”

“Oh, crap,” I whisper. “I thought he was teasing me or something.”

Grams shakes her head no. “I don’t think he’s going to bring it up either. He’s waiting for you. It’s actually kind of sweet that he isn’t pressuring you. He’s giving you time. He’s making sure it’s what you want. You haven’t had a choice in a lot of things in your relationship, so he wants this to be your choice.”

“I don’t want time,” I mumble, but Grams is right. He hasn't even let me do anything to him. Not that I’ve really tried. I’m freaking shy unless he is pushing me.

“Then go tell him that.”

We sit there in silence for a long moment. How do I even bring that up to him? Hey, can you pass the potatoes and by the way I’m ready to have sex. “I mean now, Fawn.”

“What? Like right now?”

“Why not?”

“Okay. I can do this.” I push back from the chair, standing up.

“Are you sure?” She laughs.

“I’m shy!” That only makes her laugh more.

“There is nothing to be shy about. You’re about to make his day. Who am I kidding? His year.”

I snort a laugh. “Thanks, Grams.” I give her a kiss on the cheek before I head out. I go straight to Roman’s office. I pause outside the door when the sounds of moaning fill my ears. My heart drops. No, way. He wouldn’t. The stupid idea of men having needs flutters around inside of my head.

Slowly I open the door, seeing a tall blonde woman. I jump back quickly. The need to vomit hits me hard. I turn to make my escape and run right into Roman. His hands come down on my shoulders so that I don’t fall on my booty.

“What’s wrong?” he growls, reading my face.

“I thought….” I stare up at him.

“You thought what, Fawn?”

“Nothing.” I grab his shirt, pulling him down to me. His mouth meets mine. I wrap my arms around his neck. He lifts me off my feet, pinning me to a wall.

“This is far from nothing, baby.” He nibbles at my neck. I let out a whimper of need.