If I cut him loose and he dies, will Fawn hate me? I run my hand down my face, tension building inside of me. I check the time again, starting to get irritated that Fawn hasn't come back from Grams’ yet.

Not able to wait anymore, I power off my computer and make my way towards Grams’ on the other side of the estate. When I get to the door, I can already hear the movie playing. This is supposed to be Grams and Ace’s slumber party. Why can’t my Fawn watch a movie with me? I sound like a pouting child, but I don’t care.

I give a knock on the door before Grams tells me to come in. I step inside, taking a look around. It amazes me how in no time Fawn was able to make this place warm and inviting. She does that with everything she touches. But I don’t see her anywhere.

“Where’s Fawn?” I ask. Ace shoves popcorn into his mouth, half of it falling to the floor.

“She left a few hours ago.” Grams gives me a confused look.

“She might have gone up to the room. Good night.”

“Night!” Ace shouts before I shut the door behind me before heading toward our bedroom. She might be there taking a bath or maybe even a nap. My cock starts to harden at the thought. I pick up my pace.

When I enter our bedroom, I don’t see her anywhere. Panic starts to rise inside me. It’s not a feeling I’m used to. I search everywhere. Even out in the rose garden. All the staff is already gone for the day. My heart pounds faster with each second that I can’t find her. A sense of panic begins to fill me.

“Fawn!” I bellow her name. I go back over my tracks, having checked this whole fucking place for a deeper look. I pull out my phone, debating if I should call the police. Fear starts to run through my veins.

I enter the library again and, as before, nothing. I walk around, checking behind some of the bookcases and pause when I see her lying on the floor behind one. There are books all around her.

Instead of being happy that I’ve found her, my emotions take over, and I fucking lose my shit.



“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I jerk awake, dazed and confused. I blink a few times, my eyes trying to adjust to the light. Roman stands over me. The anger is clear on his handsome face. I would say he’s more than angry by the look he’s giving me.

“Reading?” I respond. I suppose it was technically napping. I’d only meant to grab a book and, well, here I am. I’m not sure what happened.

He reaches down, helping me to my feet. His hand wraps around my wrist as he leads me out of the library, not saying a word. His steps are loud on the wood floor.

“Is Ace okay?” I ask, starting to get worried.

“He’s fine.” His response is short and clipped. I stop walking, pulling on my wrist to get free of his hold. He doesn't let me go but he does stop walking.

“Let me go.” I glare up at him, annoyed with how rude he’s being. I’m still half asleep and have no idea why he’s being so rough.

“Never.” However, he does release his hold. Only for a second. He lifts me, tossing me over his shoulder.

“What the heck, you brute? What is wrong with you?”

“You’re what’s wrong with me,” he growls. I huff a breath. Is this what it’s like when you get on Roman’s bad side? He said I’d never be there. It’s starting to look like he’s a liar. A jerk too!

A few moments later, he drops me down on our bed. I scramble to the other side, slipping off so that the bed is between us.

“You don’t run from me.” We have a stare off for a few seconds. “We had a movie night,” he reminds me like we’re not fighting right now.

“You can watch all the movies you want by yourself!” He gives me a surprised expression. How is he shocked by this? He’s growling and shouting at me for no reason. Carrying me around like a sack of potatoes.

“You’re my wife. You’ll watch with me. What snacks do you want?” His words are still heated. What is happening here? This man is driving me crazy.

“I don’t have an appetite.” I put my hands on my hips.

“Don’t leave this room.” He points to the ground before he storms off, slamming the door behind him. I’m so angry I could cry. What the heck is his problem? Where does he even think I’m going to go if I leave the room? Paris?

I go into the closet, changing my clothes before I slip into the bed. I’m determined to fall asleep as fast as possible. I won’t be able to watch a movie if I’m sleeping. I check my phone one last time to make sure Grams hasn’t messaged me. The only thing I see are two missed calls from my father. I guess the jerks are all out tonight.