“Want me to make you come, baby?” He nuzzles my neck. “Work some of that excited energy out of you?”

I nod my head as his fingers play with the edge of my panties. “Yes, please.” I wiggle in his lap. I’m already growing wet knowing what his fingers and mouth can do to me.

“As you wish.” He picks me up, spreading me out across his desk. Things tumble to the floor, but he ignores them, pulling my panties off from under my dress. Seconds later he buries his face between my thighs.

He does as he promised, working the excited energy out of me. Then again, Roman always stands by his word.



I sit in my office going over emails waiting for Fawn to come back from her gram’s apartment. Things have been going perfectly here for the past week. Grams has settled in nicely. She adores Ace, and he adores her back. He asked if he could call her Grams too. She was tickled by it. He’s actually having a movie night with her.

He and I are both enjoying being a part of a family. I never thought there would be someone out there that would fit me. I could be just making us fit. But I know I’m different with her. It’s not that I try to be, I just am. I seek her approval. She’s the one person whose opinion of me matters. She has no idea how much control she truly has over me. I may have strong-armed her into this relationship, but it’s her that has the hold on me now.

Other women would have picked up on it by now. Started to make demands and changes around here. Hell, I want Fawn to do that. To leave her mark in this place. I enjoy walking into the bathroom and seeing all of her things next to mine. Her pink fuzzy blanket thrown over one of the chairs. Or the flowers she’ll pick from the garden and put in our room and in my office. Each of those little touches remind me of her throughout the day and have me smiling. Something I did little of before she arrived here.

I grab my phone when it starts to ring, about to clear the call until I see it’s West. He’s been keeping an eye on Fawn’s father for me. He is starting to spiral. When people start to lose control, they make rash decisions.

“What do you have for me?” I ask right off the bat.

“I’m glad you asked; I'm doing great by the way.” West pokes at me because he knows he can. He’s one of the best. I would never let my pride get in the way when it comes to my family's safety.

“Spit it out.” He pauses for a second, and I know something is wrong.

“He’s in deep with a few people. He’ll likely be dead by the end of the month.” Fuck. This situation with Fawn’s father isn’t getting any better.

“Where is he now?” I ask. What is wrong with this man? He gets himself out of one mess only to get himself in a bigger one. If I had pressed charges against him, he'd be in prison and relatively safe. But if I’d done that, I wouldn't have my Fawn.

“Some cheap motel. He’s on a high. He won last night, but not enough to cover shit, and I’m sure he’ll lose it all tonight again.” Of course he will. “What do you want me to do?”

Truth is I have no fucking idea. He’s a grown man who offered up his daughter in order to save himself. Who knows what he’s capable of? One day he might try to come back for Fawn. I don’t think he’s that stupid, but he’s starting to prove me wrong. And you can’t put anything past a man who is desperate.

“Nothing for now. Keep tabs on him. If he pops up all banged up let me know.” They won’t just outright kill him. That’s bad business. They’ll try and get their money first. Give him a few good warnings. If he gets desperate enough, he might show up here.

“Got it.” We end that call. I push back from my chair, walking over to the bar and pouring myself a glass of whiskey and throwing it back. A tap sounds on the door before George opens it.

“Is there anything else you need tonight, sir?”

“No, I’m good.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He slips back out.

I pour myself another glass. What the hell am I supposed to do here? It’s Fawn’s father. Sure, the man is a dick, but how would she feel if he was dead and I could have stopped it? I can easily pay off any of the man's debts. Yet, I know in doing so, it will create a never-ending cycle. His bets will only become bigger knowing I’ll cover him in the end.