Safe. That’s what I am when I’m with him. Hell, I might even think I am loved, but then again, I might be letting my imagination get away from me again. I know what I heard, but something must be wrong or missing. Why else would he have tracked me down so quickly?

“Don’t do something that gets you taken from me.” His eyes narrow. In the blink of an eye, I’m pinned beneath him on the tiny twin bed in my room.

“You ran from me, little fox. Why?”

“I heard you on the phone talking to someone.” His brows pull together, clearly having no idea what I’m talking about. “You were talking about someone setting you up and that you were going to meet whomever it was today.” A tear slips free at the thought of him wanting someone else besides me. Grant takes a deep breath and shakes his head.

“Yeah, I was talking to my sister. I told you about my family last night. How they’re all blissfully married. Everyone in my family is.”

“I remember.” All their lives sounded a bit like fairy tales with how they each had found the other halves of their souls.

“They want that for me too, so they tend to meddle. Especially my sister. She’s been on my case for a few days about meeting this girl today.”

“Are you trying to make me mad?” I huff, getting angry. I suppose that’s better than being hurt. “Your sister should mind her own business.” His lips twitch.

“For years I’ve been thinking that exact same thing. There was something I didn’t tell you last night. Before I made love to you.” My heart contracts at him calling it making love.

“There was a lot of stuff unsaid,” I point out. Everything happened so quickly. “We didn’t even talk about protection.”

“Don’t need it.”

“So you’ve been tested recently?”

“No reason to. I don’t even have protection to use if we’d wanted to.”

“I…” I’m not following him. “There is still a possibility of getting pregnant even if you don’t have like…” I trail off again, not wanting to think about that either.

“My sister meddles so much in my life because she thinks if she doesn't, I’ll never find someone because I don’t look. Ever.”

“You don’t date?”

“I don’t do shit.”

“You can’t be serious. I mean, look at you. That’s not possible.”

“You think I'm good looking, little fox?” Heat rushes to my face. I roll my eyes at him.

“You know you’re hot. There is no way you don’t. You're just fishing for compliments at this point.”

“Maybe—doesn’t mean I’ve ever cared. I didn't date because I was scared.”

“You were scared? Of what?” This is coming from a man who threw Logan around like a rag doll and had everyone terrified of him last night at the strip club. One can see that Grant could handle himself in a fight. He’s a big man, but it’s also obvious that he has some kind of power beyond strength. I’m sure it has to do with money and his family. And his last name being so well known.

“The men in my family are obsessive when it comes to their women.” He runs his finger down my jaw. I’ve noticed he always wants to touch me. He likes to stroke his fingers across my body as if he’s making sure I’m real.

“You didn’t want to find your own?” Not going to lie. When he’d told me some of their love stories, I was a bit jealous. His father had fallen head over heels in love with his mom, who was a housekeeper at the time.

They’d kept a secret affair because his mom was too worried what others would think. Then everything went to hell when Grant's grandmother threatened his mom, who was pregnant with him at the time. She’d taken off in fear, only to end up in the hospital with no memory of who she was. That hadn’t stopped his father, Dane. He’d tracked her down. That wasn’t the only crazy story in the family. All the men do seem to be a bit obsessive.

Like father, like son, I suppose. Grant had found me rather quickly, and things between us progressed with lightning speed.

“I didn’t think I wanted to be crazy in love. I see how they can be. Believe me, crazy is putting it mildly.”

“Are you saying that you could possibly love me that way? Do you regret finding me?” The words are hard to get out, but I need to be clear here. My heart is so fragile.

“Fuck no. I was a dumbass. I was so focused on being like they are that I never thought about the experience of being in love. That makes it worth it a million times over. Hell, I get why they act the way they do.”

“Grant.” My breath catches.

“I love you, Remi. Have from the moment I spotted you. You’re the only girl for me. The only one I’ll ever kiss, make love to, marry, have babies with.” It dawns on me what he meant. He didn’t need protection because he’s never been with anyone. “I know this might seem fast to you, so I’ll give you time to catch up, but you’ll do it with your little ass by my side.”