Harvard University is now written across my chest. The shirt is faded like it's been washed a million times. It’s way too big on me, I’m swimming in it. I didn’t put any of the clothes I’d been wearing when I arrived here back on. Especially not the thong. I was happy to finally get out of it. I have no clue how people wear those for long periods of time. It was driving me insane.

I put the brush back inside the almost empty drawer. This place is so bare except for the necessities. It feels a bit cold and lonely, if I’m being honest. Grant had peppered me with questions in the kitchen, but I was able to get in a few of my own. Which clued me in to the reason why this place doesn’t have much in it. He explained to me that he practically lives at his office in the city. It’s a beautiful home. I don’t know how he doesn’t spend more time here. I guess I can see how it could be lonely.

My eyes linger on the bed when I exit the bathroom. There is still no sign of Grant. I go in search of him, wondering where we’re going to be sleeping for the night. Butterflies form inside of me. I didn’t even see a sofa around, but I could have missed it. I’m guessing there isn’t a guest room stocked with a bed. We’ll most likely have to share. I’m sure Grant will offer to sleep on the floor. I already see it coming.

I still don’t understand why Grant is doing all this. My only real guess is because he is one of the few good men left in this world. He wasn’t going to leave me there with a bunch of sharks. Especially after my cousin alluded that I was for sale. It’s clear that Grant comes from a really good family. I could see his love for them when he spoke of them.

The lights in the hallway turn on as I make my way down it in search of Grant. I pause when I think I hear something. My eyes land on a door where I can see a sliver of light coming from the bottom. A moment later, a loud groan sounds with my name mixed into it.

Desire explodes through my whole body. I stand there unable to move. My mind can’t process that this handsome, sweet man is in there touching himself and thinking of me while he does it. I press my thighs together, imagining how he looked while he was pleasuring himself.

A second later, the door swings open, and I stand there like a deer caught in the headlights. Grant has changed out of his suit and is now in a pair of sweatpants. My eyes roam over his bare chest. He left out the part that he spent part of his day in the gym. Holy crap. My fingers itch to reach out and run down his broad chest. I only come to the freakin’ center of it. The man makes me feel so damn small and delicate. Something I’ve never felt before him.

“You heard me?” he asks, not seeming the least bit embarrassed that he’d been masturbating. If I were the one who got caught, I would have run and hid. I can’t find my words, so I simply nod in response. “Thinking about you naked in my bathroom was more than I could take.” A sexy smile tugs at his lips. “You ready for bed?” I nod again. “Don’t get all shy on me. I was the one caught having all kinds of dirty thoughts about you.”

“What kind?” I blurt out. Seriously?! I finally speak, and those are the words I choose to say. Kill me now. I need to learn to think before I talk. But this man has me doing and saying things out of the ordinary.

“Not sure you’re ready for that, little fox.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder, guiding me back toward the master bedroom.

I really want to know what was running through his mind. Men thinking dirty thoughts of me is a whole new concept to me. I was always a little bit of an ugly duckling in high school. I didn’t bloom until the end of school. By then, I hated all the boys there. They’d been jerks to me and treated me like I was invisible until my boobs came in.

Then my mom got sick, and the last thing on my mind were boys or even friends. They’d all moved on to the next phases of their lives with college and such. While I spent my time in a hospital.

“We’re going to share the bed,” I announce before he gets any ideas of trying to do the right thing and sleep on the floor or something. “So don’t fight me on it.” I duck out from under his arm and leap onto the giant bed that's covered in a fluffy white comforter and white pillows. There is nothing of color in this place. It’s like hitting a giant cloud when I land on it.