“I might know how to cook, but I have to be honest and admit that I don't do it often. My mom made the stroganoff. She is always coming over and filling up my fridge. Most of my family lives close by.”

“Close? I didn’t see any other houses when we drove in.”

“We’re spread out, but technically we’re all neighbors. The land out back all connects. You can take one of the off-road vehicles to anyone's house.”

“Wow, that’s really cool that you’re all that close.” There is no missing the longing in her voice. She has no clue what she’s in for. Soon she’ll have more family than she’ll know what to do with.

Jealousy hits me thinking about having to share her. I think I might keep her to myself for a little bit. Once the family finds out about her, they’ll be all over her. Especially once they hear her story. I’ll have to change the damn locks to keep them away. I’m not ready for that yet. I want some alone time with her to get to know her. I’ve only just found her.

“I love them, but they drive me nuts.”

“You’re one of the good ones, aren’t you, Grant?” If she knew the dirty thoughts I was having about her, I’m not so sure she would be implying that I’m good.

“I try to be.” I slide in closer to her. Unable to help myself, I lift a piece of her red hair. It’s even softer than I thought it would be. “Not sure you’d think I was good if you knew what I wanted to do to you,” I admit.

Her cheeks flush. “See, just you saying that makes you one of the good ones.” She licks her lips, drawing my attention to them. I gave her the warning. I’m not going to do it again. “You even brought me here because you’re worried about the locks at my place.”

I was already headed here before she mentioned that. I knew where I was taking her the second she put her hand in mine.

“I want to be real clear with you, love.” The term of endearment rolls off my tongue. “I brought you here because I want you here.”

“I want to be here.” She gives me a shy smile before taking another bite of her food. I slow down on my questions to give her a chance to eat. I can tell she’s tired. “You want more?”

“I don’t think I can eat another bite.” A yawn escapes her.

“Let's get you into bed.”

“You mind if I shower first? I want to get all of this makeup off me.”

“Of course, you can.” I take her hand and lead her through the house.

“You weren't kidding about just moving into this place.” She peeks around as I lead her to the master suite.

“I could use some help with it. Maybe we could go furniture shopping.”

“Really?” She scrunches her nose, a look of confusion on her face.

“Why not?” I shrug.

“Wow.” She gasps when I flip the light on in the master bedroom. “You have a fireplace in your bedroom.”

“Wait ‘til you see the one in the bathroom.”

“Seriously?” She lets go of my hand and darts toward the bathroom. I step into my closet and snag a shirt for her to wear before I follow her into the bathroom.

“This work?”

“Yeah.” She gives me another shy smile that makes my dick twitch. How innocent is she? I lay my shirt on the counter and make my escape. My mind is already picturing her naked in my shower. I need to handle my shit before my dick tries to take control.

I’m playing the long game here. The last thing I want her to think is that this is about sex.

This is about so much more than that.



It’s crazy how quickly your life can change. This was not how I saw my night going when that jerk Logan had gotten all handsy with me in the club. I run my finger across my cut lip. It’s already looking better.

I peek out into the master bedroom, but I don’t see Grant anywhere. I quickly decide to do something I shouldn’t, and have a look inside some of his drawers. When I find a brush, I go ahead and use it on my wet hair. His shower was a dream. It’s big enough to fit a whole football team inside. It took me a few minutes to even figure out how to turn the thing on. There are so many different knobs to choose from. But once I got it working, it was incredible. I used his shampoo and soap to clean up, and now I smell like him. It’s not a bad thing. Except it’s kind of turning me on. The same thing happened when I put on his shirt when I stepped out of the shower.