“It’s not stupid.” His thumb strokes my thigh in a gentle caress, trying to comfort me. It is, but it’s also making that heat in my stomach start to spread even lower.

“Were you working somewhere before today?” Grant asks next. I’m not sure if he’s trying to distract me with questions or if he’s trying to get all the information he can about me.

“I’ve been working in a law office. It’s actually the same lawyer that helped me settle everything up with my mom's estate. He used to be nice, but I’m not going back to work there.” I fold my arms over my chest, getting irritated even thinking about my old boss.

“Which law firm?” I open my mouth to tell him but close it. “Remi.”

“No, you’re going to go pound on someone.” I peek over at him again. His lips twitch into a small smile that makes him look devastatingly handsome.

“Is there a reason to pound on him?” I shrug. “He touched you?” I tense up. A growl rumbles from Grant that makes my nipples harden. Seriously. My body is out of control.

“He wanted to. He offered me a promotion. But I wasn’t willing to do all the things that promotion required. He didn’t like the fact that I turned him down.”

“All right, you don’t have to tell me the law firm.” I feel a pang of disappointment, but it’s short lived. “We don’t need to worry about that right now because you don’t need that job.”

“If there is a will, there's a way. I’ll figure it out. I always do.” I start to respond, but the giant metal gate we pull up to steals my attention. I watch as Grant keys in a code on the screen in his car and the gates swing open. I’m kind of sad the car ride wasn’t a little longer. I wasn’t able to ask him any questions about himself.

“You live here?” It’s a stupid question.

“Actually, I just moved in. The builder still has some things to finish up, but I only need an office and a bedroom.” He pulls up a long, windy driveway. I think maybe it’s going to be a neighborhood or something, but nope, one giant house sits at the end of the driveway. Okay, not a house. It’s a mansion. A stunning one at that.

The driveway wraps around to the back of the home. He drives under an arch that connects to the massive garage. The place looks like it was dropped out of a Town and Country Magazine but on steroids. The car rolls to a stop. He reaches over and unclips my seatbelt.

“All this is for you?” I ask. I can’t even wrap my head around the idea of only one person living in this mansion.

“Not anymore.”



Two years she’s been all alone. Not anymore. I’ve found her. In the nick of time, too. Her own cousin almost got his hooks into her.

That place would have eaten her alive. Not that I’m much better. That’s what I want to do to her too. But I also want to take care of her. To make her smile and protect her from any more darkness touching her.

“Did you make this?” Remi takes another bite of the beef stroganoff I heated up for her.

“No, I didn’t make that batch, but I do know how to cook. My mother wouldn’t have it any other way.” A smile pulls at her lips.

She looks adorable sitting at my kitchen island with my suit coat still on. I’d slipped her heels off after I carried her into the house and sat her in the chair. It’s one of the few pieces of furniture that I have.

I let Faith help me design the layout of the house, but I drew the line at her decorating too. Something about it felt wrong. Now I’m understanding why that was. It’s not right to have another woman's stamp on the home you’ll share with your wife. That’s for Remi to do. Right now, all I have is a bed, office, and the chairs at the island so I have somewhere to eat. Beyond that, I haven't needed anything else.

“My mom taught me how to cook too.” Her smile grows.

I peppered her with questions as I heated up the food. Finding out it was only her and her mom her whole life. I can tell by the way Remi speaks of her that they were really close. From what I could gather, her mom was hell-bent on her staying away from her cousins. And that they hardly went around that side of the family except for some holidays.

I hate that her mom left this world not knowing someone was going to be here to protect her. But maybe she knew it wouldn’t be long before someone found her. I’m surprised no one had gotten to her before I did. There is this innocence that surrounds her that lures you in. Even with Remi being all dolled up in sexy clothes that don’t leave much to the imagination, it still comes through.