“Hey, man, Anna is one of my best girls if you’re looking for a night of fun. I really think we got off on the wrong foot here.”

“We’re not on any foot.” Grant cuts Chicago a look that has him shutting up. I almost want to laugh.

All of these men were acting all big and bad before Grant got here. Talking about shaking him down for money and all kinds of different things. The second he stepped into the room, everyone got pretty dang quiet. It only makes me wonder who this man really is. And how the hell he holds so much power at such a young age.

Chicago was full of crap when he talked about calling the cops and pressing charges. The last people he’s ever going to let into his club are a bunch of cops. Not this man, though. He was more than willing to call them. Even if it meant the person he’d supposedly come to bail out with ten grand got in trouble.

I may not know who Grant Osborne is, but his actions tell me that he is a stand-up guy who is willing to do the right thing no matter what the cost. So that leads me to believe he’s not a drug dealer. Then again, he could have an in with the police or something. Okay, now I’m letting my imagination get out of hand.

“I think we’re in more footing than you want to believe if you think you’ll be getting a taste of Remi.” My head snaps up.

“What does that mean?” I blurt out.

“He’s trying to sell you to me, sweetheart,” Grant answers for Chicago. My eyes widen. “Are you for sale?”

“Why else would she be here dressed like that?” Chicago flips his hand toward my body. Embarrassment and shame fill me. I know who my cousin is, but hell, I didn’t think he would treat me like a piece of meat that was for sale.

“I’m here for a job,” I whisper, wishing I could find the strength to shout at him. I thought going through tough things in life made you stronger. That’s the last thing I feel anymore. If anything, I’m defeated.

“We all know what jobs happen around here, Remi.” Anna tosses me to the wolves. What the hell? She’d been so nice when I’d arrived. Jealousy is a nasty thing.

“Then that will be decided between her and me,” Grant growls as his hand comes up, offering it to me. I stare at it for a moment. “Go on. Take it,” he encourages me. “I won’t hurt you.”

“Promise?” I can’t believe I’m really thinking about doing this.

“Promise,” he vows.

I don’t know what possesses me, but I give him my hand. I should probably be scared of the man that puts Chicago on edge, but for some reason, I’m not. In fact, the second my hand touches his, I know I’m safer with him than anywhere else.



Thank fuck.

That’s all I could think when she took my hand. I’m not sure what else I would have done if she hadn’t. I’m starting to have an understanding of why my Uncle Roman blackmailed Fawn in to marrying him.

I’ve always thought their story was a bit out there, but they’re crazy in love, so I didn’t question it. Now I understand it completely. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do, even if it’s crossing lines you never thought you would. Especially when you find your one.

Yes, Remi is my one. My family is never going to let me hear the end of this. For so long, I’ve thought they were all a bit nuts with how each got smacked upside the head with love. I honestly thought they got lucky with their woman and married them so damn fast. I didn’t think they could truly know a person could be the one to stand the test of time. I’ll be eating all those words now that I’ve met Remi, and I’ll do it happily.

I always get this tingle in the back of my neck when I see the potential in a project or investment. It’s never steered me wrong. It doesn't take me but a glance to know if it’s something I should grab hold of. I felt the same sensation the second my eyes landed on Remi. Except that feeling wasn’t just a little tingle; it flooded throughout my whole body. Everything inside me knew I needed her.

“You’re leaving?” Logan slurs as I lock my hand around Remi’s and pull her toward the door.

She gives a small wince, and I curse myself, loosening my hold on her hand a fraction. She’s so small compared to me. I’ve always thought my size to be a good thing. People tended not to fuck with me because of it. It also helped intimidate others when needed. Whether it be in the back of a fucking strip club or a board room.