I reach down and adjust myself thinking about them digging into my back when I fuck her in them later. We have the whole house to ourselves tonight. All four of our little ones are with my parents.

“Can I get you boys another round?” the waitress asks. My eyes are back on the clock again.

“No,” both Knox and I say at the same time.

“You’ve only had one round.” I can hear the pout in her voice. I pull my wallet out and drop a hundred on the table.

“That should cover our beers and you leaving us alone.”

She lets out a huff, but I see her out of the corner of my eye snatch the money off the table before her heels are clicking off toward another table.

“Why is it that everyone thinks you’re the gentleman and I’m the asshole?” Knox says.

“Not going to be friendly with someone who can clearly see I have a ring on my finger and is still trying to flirt with me.” I turn my head toward Knox. No point watching the damn clock. It’s not making it move any quicker. “You mad I got to tell her to fuck off first?”

Knox only grunts a response. I make it about another minute before I’m heading for the door. I jog across the street toward the little piano bar our wives are inside of. The doorman sees us coming and opens the door for me. I slip him a hundred as I pass by.

I don’t have to look for my kitten. My eyes go straight to her. She and Whitney aren’t alone at the table. They’ve picked up a redhead. Faith can be shy when it comes to a lot of things, but making friends with other girls isn't one of them. It’s part of her personality, but it’s also having devoted her life to working at a women’s shelter too.

If there is a girl close, she’s going to talk to her. Even more so if that girl is alone. Within ten minutes she’ll be fast friends with them. I watch as the redhead next to her says something that has Faith throwing her head back and laughing.

I don’t miss how all the men in the place are watching them like hungry wolves waiting to pounce. It puts me on edge. One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do in my life is fight the jealousy I feel when it comes to Faith. It’s never been hard for me to share. Except when it comes to her. I don’t even like when people look at her too long.

She must sense me. When she drops her head back down, her eyes lock with mine as I make my way toward her. She says something to the other girls, who all turn and glance our way.

“It’s been nice hanging out, Remi,” Faith says to the girl when I get to the table. “Don’t go and do anything crazy. Call me tomorrow. I really think you’d be a good fit to work at Healing Homes with Whit and me.”

“I’m not so sure,” the girl starts to say. Her voice is so soft I almost can’t hear her over the music.

“I’m sure.” Whitney jumps in, cutting the girl off. I have no fucking clue what they are all talking about, but this girl isn’t going to win. When Whitney and my kitten team up on something, it’s a lost cause for everyone else.

“Sorry, but I’m here to steal my wife,” I say, plucking Faith right out of her seat.

“He’s not sorry one bit,” she says as she wraps her arms around my neck. She’s not wrong. “You got this, Whit?”

“Yeah, I got her,” she responds. Whitney’s eyes go to Knox. They have some silent conversation that has him taking Faith’s seat at the high-top table instead of pulling Whitney out the door pretty much the same way I am. Something must be up. Whatever it is isn’t my problem. I’m taking my wife home and fucking her.

“You eat?” I ask when we exit the bar.

“Yep. With Remi. Did you see her? She’s so pretty.”

“The redhead?”

“Yes, the redhead.” She rolls her eyes at me. “We met her outside the spa when we were leaving. She was standing on the sidewalk crying. I’m going to find that jerk boss of hers and cut his balls off.”

I stop walking. “Excuse me?” The warning is clear in my tone.

“I mean I’m going to give you his name. The one I pried out of her so you can cut his balls off.”

“That’s my good kitten.”

She gives me a smug smile. Fuck, I love her. “I’ve been trying to talk her into working at the shelter. Especially after she told me her cousin owns a strip club and said he’d give her a job. That’s creepy.” She tries to make a disgusted face, but it doesn't work. She still looks adorable.