Over the last few years, our relationship has changed. It might not seem that way to others, but it has. Sex is such a big part of a relationship. The trust and bond you share during it draws two people closer together. At least for Ace and me it did. We’re connected on this deeper level. Call me crazy, but sometimes I swear I don’t know where he begins and I end.

I’ve found myself becoming more dependent on Ace. From most of my meals to even sometimes him picking out what I wear. I’m sure some would find it strange, but it works for us. I can’t tell you why him doing all these things for me turns me on, but I know it does him too.

Not to mention the spankings. I could really go for one of those right now. I’m sure the moms would die if they ever knew. I get off on that too. That Ace and I have this dirty little secret no one knows about. It’s only ours.

“Kitten.” A knock sounds on the door, making me smile.

“Ace!” I rush over toward it.

“Careful,” he calls through the door at the same time I almost trip over my own dress. I watch as it starts to open. The moms all shout behind me, but that doesn't stop me. The door slips open more. I go straight into Ace’s arms, kissing him.

I don’t care about any old wedding traditions saying it’s bad luck or whatever. Ace and I don’t need luck. We have each other.

“Don’t be nervous, Kitten. You keep your eyes on me the whole time and I'll have you.” He always has me, but hearing him say that settles my nerves. He brings his hands up to cup my face. “You’re breathtaking.”

“This old thing? I just threw it on.” His face breaks out in a smile as he kisses me.

“Meet me at the end of the aisle in ten minutes or your ass will be too sore for you to sit on it for most of our honeymoon.” I open my mouth to say something smart about him not taunting me with a good time, but he beats me to it. “You won’t be coming either.”

I let out a gasp. “You don’t have to be mean.”

He drops his hands from my face to wrap his arms around me. “You like when I’m mean.” He gives my ass a squeeze.

“It is one of the many reasons I’m marrying you.” The list of reasons is endless, like our love for one another. People say that as you grow up you change. Lucky for Ace and me, we've always changed together.

“You were made me for me, Kitten.” He presses his hard cock into my stomach.

“We are a perfect fit.”



I line up my shot, calling it before I sink the eight ball into the corner pocket. “This is bullshit. You grew up in a house with a pool table,” Knox grumbles as he puts his stick back on the rack.

“Don’t be a sore loser.” I drop my pool stick down on the table before grabbing my beer to take a swig. My eyes drift over to the giant clock on the bar wall. How has it only been ten minutes since the last time I looked? It must be broken. I rub my thumb against my wedding ring.

“It’s not broken,” Knox says, taking a pull from his own beer.

He’s as anxious as I am to get back to our wives. They're having a girls’ night out. It’s something Whitney and Faith do the first Saturday of every month. Even though Knox and I hate being away from them, we know how important it is to them. Tonight they are out at a bar. It’s the first time in a while that neither of them are knocked up or breastfeeding.

“Why didn’t they come home and get ready?” Knox folds his arms over his chest. He’s pouting. Not that I’m going to point that out to him. I’m not far from doing the same thing myself.

The girls spent the day at the spa. After they got their massages and whatever else to relax, they’d gone on to get their hair and makeup done too before their night out. They said they got a hotel room because they didn’t want us to see whatever the fuck they put on before they went out for the night.

It was pointless really. I knew what my wife was wearing. I had my security guard send me a picture. I have no doubt my wife knew I would have Diana send me one. I’m sure that had a lot to do with the clothes she picked out. Or lack of them for that matter. I wouldn't be surprised if my kitten posed while Diana took the picture.

The dress she has on tonight looks more like a man’s white button-up shirt if you ask me. But it’s not mine. One of my shirts would go all the way to her knees. This get-up stops mid-thigh. She has a belt on with it. One I intend to use on her later. While her dress is sexy as hell, her boots are what are driving me insane. My cock got hard the second I saw them. They go all the way up her legs and over part of her knees.