Me: Did you have lunch?

Faith: I had a granola bar.

I shake my head.

Faith: I love you.

Me: I love you too. I’m going to have to start packing lunches for you.

Faith: I’m fine. I swear.

Me: There are cookies in the front part of your bag

Faith: Omg! Double stuffed Oreos. Now I really love you.

Faith: Class starting TTYL

Others might think it’s stupid for me to check on her, but someone has to. Faith can get lost in her head sometimes. She’ll be so focused on something that everything else falls to the side. It works for us. I enjoy taking care of her. Or maybe it’s that I enjoy that she needs me. Either way I’ll take it. I’ve been doing it since we were little kids. Nothing is going to change that.

What I hadn’t counted on was this living apart bullshit. It makes no sense to me. Hell, in high school Faith used to sleep over all the damn time. She and my little sister Lily are close, but I’m almost positive my parents knew she was sneaking into my room.

I run my hand down my face, wondering why I agreed to this shit. I should have said no and stood my ground. It was hard when I had to stare her parents Kennedy and Dane in the face as they were asking me to give Faith this. To let her spread her wings. I’d already agreed to so much over the years where it concerned her, but I didn’t want to disappoint them either.

One of those things being not to have sex until we were older. Once I had given them my word, they let Faith stay over at my house as much as she wanted. They never gave me a term limit on the sex bullshit, but for some reason I’ve had it in my head that it was only during high school. I should get a medal for that shit. Because it took every bit of self-control I had in order to keep my hands off Faith.

It’s fucking hard not claiming the girl you love in every way. The past year has been torture. I swear my dick has permanent rug burn on it from all the dry fucking we do. Not that I care about myself. All that really mattered is that I got Faith off. All that did for me is made me ache more to be inside of her. But hearing her scream my name in orgasm as I ate her pussy was worth a thousand cases of blue balls.

My control is slipping, and I know it. One of the reasons I agreed to the sex deal was because my mind isn’t right. All the ways I’ve thought of taking Faith aren’t sweet and fluffy. Which she deserves. I dream of tying her to my bed or spanking her ass because she forgot to eat. I get off on the thought of having full control over her.

I slipped when I kissed her the other day. It didn’t help that when I’d issued the order she not only did as she was told, but her eyes lit up with need. We might not have gone all the way yet, but I know my girl's body. I can read her so easily. Her body reacted to my command, which didn’t help the situation.

Roman comes striding into my office. “You were right. Blicks Robics is on to some cutting-edge technology. Can you stay late? I’m going to pull some numbers and get my lawyer here. We need to jump on this before someone else does.”

“Of course.” I knew it. I've been watching that tech company for years because of Sam and Juno. They were a few grades above me in high school. Both of them have always been brilliant.

When the company Blicks Robics swept them up out of high school I knew they had to be up to something big. They hadn’t even gone to college. Which I know they would have easily gotten scholarships for.

“I know you’ve only been at this for a little, but this is your find. If we make this deal, it’s going to be your baby to handle.”

Fuck yes. I might have a trust fund, but this could set me up for life if I handle it right. Faith and I will never have to worry about anything. It's important to me to be able to provide for my family.

“I’m all in,” I say, making another step forward for the life plans I have laid out for my Faith and me.



I check my phone to see where Ace is. From his location I know he’s still at the office. For the past week he’s been engulfed with work. He is excited about this new investment. It finally went through a few days ago. Ace told me it’s going to take a chunk of his free time. I get it. This is big for him. I just miss him. We haven’t seen much of each other lately with both of our schedules being crazy.