For the first time in my life, the thought of jail actually freaks me the fuck out. To be taken away from her would rip me in two. I know it’s messed up, this need I have for her, but I don’t care. I crave her touch. I’d gone so long without much human contact. Now I can’t get enough.

Whitney’s eyes meet mine as she grips the microphone and starts to sing. This is one of the few times that shyness doesn't take over and make her want to hide behind someone or something. She falls into the music but keeps her attention on me the whole time.

My cock hardens, which isn't abnormal when I’ve got my eyes on her. Every night we end up in each other's beds. Whitney is as needy as I am. I’ve been doing my best to get her addicted to what I can do to her body with my mouth. We haven't progressed past oral at this point. I don’t want her thinking I’m only in this for sex. That has been damn hard. Especially last night when she surprised me by slipping into my shower with me. She has been getting bolder, but her shyness still lingers. I love that about her, though. How her cheeks always turn a sweet soft pink. It’s sexy as fuck.

I’m getting worked up thinking about how she slipped open the shower door, letting herself in. Before I could even reach for her, she was on her knees, wrapping her mouth around my cock. Up until that point I was the only one giving oral. She’d tried a few times, but I’d shift into something else quickly.

It’s not that I didn’t want it. Because besides me being balls deep inside of her, there’s nothing I want more. I just didn’t want her doing it because she thought she had to. Eating her soft pussy is enough to get me off. As hard as I try to prove I’m not only in this for sex, Whitney has a way of breaking me. Even when we’re doing her self-defense training, she always ends up flat on her back on the mat with us going at it.

“Knox.” Someone says my name in a loud whisper. I glance over to see a blonde. “You can sit here.” She pats the spot next to her on the bleachers. I try to remember her name. For someone who can recall almost anything when it comes to numbers, some of these people's names always seem to allude me. Michelle maybe? I know she sits in front of Whitney in her art history class.

I ignore her, my attention going back to the stage as Whitney comes to the end of the song. Everyone cheers for her. She smiles, dipping her head before taking a step back and handing the microphone over.

The rest of the assembly drags on. I don’t see Whitney anywhere. I’m guessing she stepped out because her part is over. I go in search of her, dipping out myself. I head straight for the library. It’s where she always goes if she has free time.

When I enter, I see her at the front desk talking to the librarian. She doesn’t see me, so I slip back toward her normal table. Bingo, I think when I see a door marked supplies. I pull my pocket knife out, finding what I need before popping the lock in only a couple of seconds.

Then I wait. I catch sight of Whitney through a few of the bookcases. When she starts to round the corner, I reach out and snag her around the waist. Her eyes go wide for a moment until she realizes it’s me. I pull her back into the closet, kicking the door shut behind us and locking it.

“What are you doing?”

“You know what I’m doing.” I slip my hand up under her dress, giving her ass a squeeze. My dick is rock hard after watching her up on that stage. “You got me all worked up.” She gives me a shy smile. She knew exactly what she was doing up there.

“Want me to take care of that for you?” She licks her lips.

I fight a groan. “I want to take care of you.” I pull on her panties as I fall to my knees in front of her.

“Knox. We’re at school.” Her teeth sink into her bottom lip. She’s not telling me to stop so I keep going. I can smell the sweetness of her arousal, and my mouth is watering for a taste.

“Spread your legs wider for me, Bunny.” She does as I ask, her blush spreading down her chest to the top of her tits. I would love to strip her bare, but I’m not risking someone walking in on us. I don’t care if the door is locked. No one sees her naked but me.