“Is that a bad thing?”
She walked back into the living area and sat on the cream-colored sectional. No TV, he noticed. “No. I just get sick of hearing about it.” She shuffled a couple of magazines on the coffee table. “I love that she’s happy, but it always comes across as a low-key sales pitch.”
He sat next to her. “A sales pitch for what?”
“Finding Mr. Right.”
He leaned back against the sofa cushions. “You’d prefer Mr. Wrong?”
She laughed. “No. But it’s not like I need someone else to make me happy. Iamhappy. Do your friends push you to find someone?”
He thought of Marcus encouraging him to go for it. “Sometimes, but for the most part, they’re in the same boat.” Or in Marcus’s case, worse. Poor guy was married to his job and had no time for anyone or anything else.
Daisy trotted over and made to jump up on the sofa, but Fiona raised her hand, palm out, and the little dog heaved a dramatic sigh and flopped on her belly under the coffee table. Otto had clearly found Sir Squashalot, based on the shrill squeaks from the kitchen.
Between two vigorous bouts of squeaks, Daisy burped.
For a moment, Fiona held her breath, then busted out in giggles. Jake loved her laugh and joined in.
“Way to help with the mood, you two,” she said. “You guys are more effective than candles and soft music.”
Otto, evidently thinking this was his time to shine, bounded into the room with Sir Squash and presented it at Fiona’s feet.
“Ah, no. Not now, baby. Mama’s busy. Well, she wants to be busy,” she said with a sideways glance at Jake. Not one to take no for an answer, Otto grabbed the toy in his teeth and shook his head vigorously, causing the toy to make a series of squeaks that blended together in a trill.
“That’s it,” she said, standing. “Drastic times call for drastic measures.” She held out her hand to Jake, and he took it without hesitation and stood. She turned her attention to the dogs and held up her hand, palm out again. “Stay,” she said. “I mean it. I didn’t fire this man so that he could play with you two.”
“Whydidyou do it?” he asked, still holding her hand.
“So you could play withme.”
Amused and intrigued, Jake grinned as she led him into the bedroom and shut the door behind them.