Page 2 of Love Out Loud

With all those pretty white teeth showing in a triumphant, perfect grin, he held it up. But then, his expression changed completely as he studied Otto’s favorite toy.

As she stared at the yellow molded plastic, she realized why his eyebrows had lifted in surprise and amusement. With two orbs at the bottom connected to a cylinder with a little bulb at the top, its shape was more than a little similar to a…Oh, for the love of all that’s holy. Why had that not occurred to her before?

She could actually hear the blood in her ears as another blush raged over her skin, making her hot from head to toe. She had to get out of this revolving door before she dissolved into a puddle of pure frustration.

Stepping out, he squeaked the toy he was holding. Unable to look him in the face, she said, “Thanks for rescuing Sir Squash.”Seriously?Those were going to be her first words ever to Hot Guy? Ugh. Why did she always say ridiculous things when she was uncomfortable?

He stared at the toy, then back at her face as people hustled by on the crowded sidewalk. “It has a name?”

Could this be worse?She shifted the bags higher. “Yes. And a knighthood. His full name is Sir Squashalot, and he’s very chivalrous.”

Aaand that ridiculous remark confirmed precisely why Fiona giving a speech was a terrible idea. She didn’t do well in stressful social situations and ended up babbling. And man, oh, man, was this a stressful social situation. She’d just met her crush by jamming the revolving door with a bright yellow, knighted, phallus-shaped dog toy.

“Sir Squash is Otto’s favorite toy,” she said, like that would help.

He gently placed the toy on top of the full bag. “Do you need help carrying those?”

This was her chance. She should say yes. Absolutely, say yes. Jane and Caitlin would say yes.

“No, thanks. I’m good,” she said. “I’m only going about a half block down.” She gestured with a tilt of her head in the direction of the shop.

“Great. I’m going that way, too.” Gently, he took the bag from her left arm, and she shook out her strained muscles before wrapping it around the other bag.

You should talk to him, she scolded herself as they walked to the shop. She opened her mouth to say…something. She had no idea what, and she clamped her mouth shut, swallowing hard.

He opened the door to Animal Attraction for her, and she walked through. “So, no dogs this morning?” he said, finally breaking their awkward silence.

The tightness in her chest loosened. He really had noticed her when she hung out in the lobby with her dogs. That was positive, right? She set her bag on the counter, and he placed his next to it. “They’re here somewhere.”

“They are?” He looked around the lobby, shoulders stiffening under his suit jacket.

With her dogs there, she might be able to carry on a coherent conversation, not…whatever this was. “Yeah, I’ll go get them if you want to say hello.”

“Oh, no.” He cleared his throat, shoulders still tight as he backed several steps toward the door. “I need to get to the office.”

She swallowed the lump of disappointment that had blocked her throat. “Thanks for your help,” she said.

“You’re welcome. See you around the lobby.” With a wave and stiff smile, he exited and took a left, heading back in the direction they’d come from.

For several heartbeats, she stared at the door. He hadn’t been coming this way at all. Sir Squashalot wasn’t the only one who was chivalrous. His behavior was odd, though. Maybe it was hard for him to meet new people, too. But this was a good start, right?

With a shuddering breath, she leaned against the lobby counter, waiting for her racing heart to slow.

“You act like you’ve seen a ghost,” her friend Jane said, entering from the business office door to stand across the counter from her.

Worse. She’d just witnessed a social train wreck of her own creation, with her driving the train, of course. How long had she crushed on that guy, wishing they could meet someday? Never in a million years had she imagined she’d actually interact with him. And then when she got the chance, she’d said something ridiculous and then had become completely tongue-tied. Typical.

“Is it the award speech that has you wound up?” Jane asked.

“Yes,” she half lied, glad to not have to explain her Hot Guy encounter.

“I have a solution for that problem.”

Uh-huh. Like not giving the speech in the first place?Because that’s exactly what Fiona planned to do. She’d call in sick, and someone else would have to accept the award on her behalf. Maybe even Jane.

When she didn’t answer, Jane went on. “I asked around and got a recommendation for someone who helps loads of people with public speaking. He works with actors, business executives, and people who need to make a good impression.”

Yeah, like shy veterinarians who would much rather carry on a full conversation with an animal than say one word to a human.