Reaching a calm spot in the ocean, I pushed myself up to sitting, my legs dangling on either side of the board. A few dozen people on boards and in canoes joined me, the sun casting the perfect light around us.

Once we were all assembled in a circle, I extended my hand to Dax on one side of me, Julia on the other, everyone doing the same so we became one, linked together because of a shared love for my sister.

“Claire Kailani Hale had a thirst for life that you couldn’t help but be drawn to,” I began, glancing around the small circle. “If she was passionate about something, you became passionate about it, too, just because her passion was so damn contagious.”

When I sensed Imogene’s eyes dart to mine, I glanced her way. “Keep a tab for me. I’ll pay up once we’re back on dry land. Okay?”

She nodded, polite laughter rippling through our circle.

“But the one thing Claire was most passionate about was her family. Her ohana. All of you. And because of this, her spirit will continue to live on in each of us, even if her body is no longer with us.”

I briefly closed my eyes, everyone observing a moment of silence for my sister. For the life she lived. The gift she gave us by simply allowing us to spend time in her presence.

“Now we’ll go around the circle to allow any of you to say something. Doesn’t have to be deep and meaningful. Anything you’d like to share.”

I glanced at Nikko, nodding for him to begin.

Over the next several minutes, everyone shared a memory or anecdote about Claire. Some brought laughter. Others conjured sorrow. But through it all, there were tears of joy. Regardless of the incredible loss we all suffered, each of our lives was better for having known Claire, even for a short period of time.

“You okay to say something?” I asked Dax when it was his turn. “You don’t have to.”

“I want to. Want people to know the side of Claire I knew.”

I nodded, allowing him a moment to collect his thoughts.

“When I first met Claire, I couldn’t stand her.” He chuckled through his tears. “I know. I know,” he added quickly. “We’re supposed to be sharing our happy memories of Claire. But, as crazy as it sounds, that is a happy memory. My happiest, really. Despite the fact I once found her irritating, obnoxious, and just too damn happy…”

He glanced at Imogene, her brow raised. “Keep a tab for me, too, Mo.”

“You got it,” she said with a sympathetic smile.

He focused his attention straight ahead once more. “Despite all that, she still weaseled her way into my heart, where she’d remained for the past year.” He blinked back tears, emotion overtaking him. “Where she still remains.”

He paused, swallowing, peering into the distance.

“In the short time I was lucky enough to know and love Claire Kailani Hale, she taught me many things, but three will always stay with me.

“One, always take your shoes off before entering someone’s house.”

Everyone nodded in agreement, since it was considered rude on the islands to wear shoes in the house.

“Two, never trust an animal without arms and legs, because then it’s just a glorified animal penis, and you can never trust a penis.”

The group roared with laughter, the sound mixing with the waves as the sun inched its way past the horizon. I’d lost count of the number of times I’d heard her say those exact words to me, especially whenever she encountered a snake, which was practically a daily occurrence during our youth in Australia.

When the laughter died down, Dax drew in a deep breath, his expression turning more serene.

“And three, if you go an entire day without telling at least one person in your life that you love them, it’s a day wasted.”

The light atmosphere shifted, becoming more somber. More meaningful.

“I’m sorry to say I often failed to follow this rule. Because, despite the way I felt about her, I never told her I loved her. And that…” He bit his lower lip to stop his chin from quivering. “That is my biggest regret. One I plan to rectify every day going forward, starting now.

“Claire, you were the biggest pain in my ass. But you were the greatest love of my life. And I have no doubt you’re giving St. Peter a run for his money right now. Possibly even forcing him to consider a new profession.”

Another wave of polite laughter rippled through, everyone wiping their cheeks.

Then Dax cleared his throat. “I love you, Claire. Be at peace.”

“Be at peace,” I repeated, breaking the link in our circle to take the canister from Nikko. I slowly poured what was left of my sister into the ocean, allowing her to become one with the earth.

Then I lifted my lei over my head and placed it on the surface, everyone following suit, before I turned my board around, paddling toward the cresting waves, where I caught one last wave in honor of Claire.

My sister might be gone, but her legacy would always live on in the lives she touched…

Including my own.