“And during those visits…,” I began, arching a brow.

“There’s no knowing for certain what they discussed until we go through each and every one of the notebooks we found in Ethan’s apartment, which number in the hundreds. We have reason to believe they discussed Ethan’s…activities and planned his next attack, including selecting the perfect target. When guards went through Nick’s cell after his escape, they found photos of all the women Ethan had murdered, as well as photos of Julia throughout the years that I believe Ethan took to capture the moment she received each ‘gift’.”

Another brief silence passed as we processed the sad, convoluted tale. A part of me wanted to feel bad for Nick. For Ethan. But any trauma they suffered didn’t excuse their behavior.

“Well, I’ll let you get on with your day,” Lucy said in a chipper voice, slowly standing. I jumped to my feet, as well, helping her. “And you need to rest up for the game tonight.” She gave me a pointed look.

“Of course, ma’am. I’m looking forward to getting back out on the mound now that all this business is behind us.”

“Speaking of which…” She turned toward Imogene as she and Julia approached. “Agent Curran told me you’re the reason he was able to get to Katherine McCurdy in time to save her life. That you left a ‘trail of breadcrumbs’.”

She nodded. “I just did what I thought was right.”

I wrapped my arm around Julia’s shoulders, beaming down at Imogene, proud at how brave she was to have put others first, even when her own life was on the line.

Just like her mother.

“How would you like to throw out the first pitch at tonight’s game?” Lucy asked.

Imogene’s eyes widened, jaw dropping. “Are you serious? Like, out on the field and everything?”

Lucy chuckled, her blue eyes brightening. “Yes.”

Imogene immediately flung her arms around Lucy, hugging her tightly. “This is the coolest thing ever!”

“I’m glad you think so.” She pulled her closer, then glanced toward Julia. “And if it’s okay with your mom, maybe you can meet your brother, too. If it’s too much, too soon, I completely understand. I just thought—”

“Of course.” Julia extended her hand toward Lucy, who grabbed it with her free one, keeping the other wrapped around Imogene. “I’d really like that.”