“It’s not protocol,” he stated.
“Fuck protocol,” I argued. “Last I checked, you didn’t exactly follow protocol when you paid Nick a visit in prison. Or when you set up my meeting with him.”
“That may be true, but I’m not in charge of this investigation. I’m simply assisting. I can’t make that call.” He nodded at the woman to his side. “Only Agent Hawkins can.”
I turned my pleading gaze toward her. “I’m begging you. Let me be there. If by some miracle my daughter is there and we can put an end to all of this, don’t you think she deserves to have her mother nearby? She’s been through so much already. More in her fourteen years than anyone should have to endure in a lifetime. She’s going to want her mother. Not some cop she doesn’t know if she can trust.” I glanced toward her left hand, noticing a wedding band. “Do you have kids?”
She smiled slightly. “Three girls. The oldest is, well… She’s Imogene’s age.”
“If it were your daughter, wouldn’t you want to be the first face she saw? Wouldn’t you want to hug her, assure her nothing bad would ever happen again? And Lachlan’s just as torn up about this as I am. Please. If she’s there, we don’t want to wait one more second than necessary to hug her.”
She stared at me, parting her lips, obviously conflicted between following the rules and doing what she knew was right. Finally, she sighed.
“Fine. You can be there. But under no circumstances are you to get out of the car unless I say so.” She looked from me to Lachlan. “That goes for you, too. Do you understand?”
“Of course.” I offered her a grateful smile. “Thank you.”
“I’d want to be there, too,” she admitted softly.