And just like the first time, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other.
“Are all of these going to be about sex?” I pouted. “I’m getting the impression that’s all you think about.”
“With you around, do you blame me?” He waggled his brows. “But fine. I’ll come up with something that has absolutely nothing to do with sex.”
He pinched his lips together, seemingly deep in thought. Then he grabbed the napkin, hiding it as he wrote. When he was finished, he handed it to me.
“‘Say yes’?” I scrunched my brows. “What do you—”
Before I could finish my question, he scooted off the couch, dropping to one knee in front of me and grabbing my hand. I gasped, heart hammering in my chest, shock rendering me mute.
“I didn’t get you a ring. It killed me not to. But considering your somewhat…difficult relationship with receiving jewelry, I didn’t want this moment to be tainted with those memories. If you say yes…and I really bloody hope you do…and you decide you want a ring, I will happily buy you the ring of your dreams.
“But even if you choose to not wear one, please know that I won’t love you any less. I won’t want to be with you any less. I won’t be any less devoted to you.” He licked his lips, running his thumb along my knuckles.
All I could do was stare, speechless. This was completely unexpected.
Then again, everything about Lachlan had been completely unexpected.
“The day I met you, I was in a really dark place. But then you had to go and step on a jellyfish. Since then, my life has been forever changed. For the first time in years, I felt this strange thing called happiness. And the more I got to know you, the more I realized that my heart was no longer mine. It was yours. And I want it to always be yours, love.
“Now, I can’t promise things will always be easy. They haven’t been all that easy so far.”
“They certainly haven’t,” I agreed, using my free hand to swipe at my tears, the sight of Lachlan kneeling before me causing more emotion to fill me than I thought possible.
This was what I always imagined a proposal should feel like.
Like you were so full of love you thought you’d burst.
“In case you haven’t figured it out by now, we’re both ridiculously stubborn,” Lachlan reminded me with a subtle laugh.
“We certainly are.”
Then he tightened his grip on my hand, his expression turning serious. Determined.
“But there’s no one I’d rather get frustrated with, then make love to. No one I’d rather have drive me absolutely bloody crazy, then drive me wild.” He swallowed hard. “And there’s no one on this planet I’d rather love than you.”
My chin trembled, more tears flowing down my cheeks.
And the best part was there was not a hint of deception within his heartfelt words. He didn’t say them in order to manipulate me into behaving a certain way. Instead, he said them because he couldn’t go another minute without telling me how he felt about me.
“So please, Julia Blaire Prescott,” he continued, his voice trembling with emotion, “will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
“You really want to marry me even though I have a few wrinkles?” I choked out a laugh, needing to do something to break the tension. “Even though within, like, five years, my boobs might start to sag?”
“I don’t care about that. I quite like your boobs. Like to bury my face in them. Shall I tell you how I feel about your pussy? Because I find that quite delectable, as well.”
I barked out a laugh, wiping away my tears. “This is either the worst or best proposal in the history of proposals.”
“I’d like to think it’s the best. Because it’s real.” His expression turned sincere. “Nothing more. Nothing less.”
“Nothing less,” I repeated softly.
“So, what do you say? Should we renegotiate our original agreement for a longer term?”
“How long did you have in mind?” I asked coyly.
“How does forever sound?”
“Like not nearly long enough to be married to you.” I cupped his cheek, bringing his lips toward mine. “But it’s a start.”
“Yes, it is.”