
My stomach churned as I stood in a stark, brightly lit observation room in the prison. I couldn’t believe I was actually going to do this. That I was mere moments away from being face-to-face with Nick. There were so many times in the past hour I’d considered backing out, especially as Agent Curran led me through the process of entering the prison, which was enough to make anyone have second thoughts, even if visiting a loved one.

But I wasn’t visiting a loved one.

I was here to see the man who’d destroyed my life.

All reason told me I should walk away. That Lachlan was right. That by agreeing to do this, I’d become nothing more than a pawn to Nick yet again.

I’d essentially lost Lachlan over this decision. So I couldn’t back out now. Then it would have been for nothing.

An obnoxious buzzing caused me to snap out of my thoughts. I tore my gaze to the two-way mirror, the seconds seeming to stretch as I watched the door open, two guards leading a man into the interrogation room.

A man with whom I once shared a life.

A man who manipulated me at every turn.

A man I’d hoped to never see again.

A sudden wave of nausea overtook me, my knees wobbling.

“Hey,” Wes said, catching me as I wavered. “You don’t have to do this. You can still back out.”

“No, I can’t. I have to do this.”

“It really could be just a ploy.” He narrowed his gaze on me, his voice barely audible as he reiterated Lachlan’s argument. Something he’d agreed with when I told him about our fight.

And breakup.

“I’m fine. I’ll be fine. He can’t hurt me anymore. I won’t let him.”

I drew in a steadying breath, returning my eyes to the glass. My hands trembled when I saw Nick staring directly at me, as if able to sense exactly where I stood.

It was the first time I’d seen him since the judge sentenced him to serve several life sentences for the crimes he’d committed.

He’d certainly aged the past several years, his blond hair much lighter, face sporting a few more wrinkles, especially around his eyes and lips. But he still had a handsome, distinguished appearance.

Too bad his soul was as ugly as they came.

“Just remember what Dr. Fields told you,” Agent Curran encouraged, approaching. “Stay aloof and completely disinterested. Do your best to not show any emotion. If at any time it’s too much, just get up and walk toward the door. We’ll know you’re done at that point.”

I nodded, blowing out a breath, taking a moment to settle my nerves.

I could do this. I had to do this. Had to show Nick I wasn’t the easily controlled and manipulated woman he knew all those years ago. Maybe this was what I’d needed to do all along in order to finally close this chapter of my life.

“Okay. I’m ready.”


Wes gave me one last hug, squeezing me tightly. Then I followed Agent Curran toward the door. Just as he was about to open it, a guard entered…

So did Lachlan.

I stiffened, surprised. Not only because he was supposed to be out of town, but also because of how we left things earlier in the week. I hadn’t even told him I’d be seeing Nick today. Didn’t think it mattered.

I thought we were done.

Maybe we weren’t.