“Wes…,” I began in a soothing voice.

He held up his hand, stopping me before I made him any false promises. “I understand that we don’t know anything for certain, and I am trying to not jump to any conclusions here. But I’m also trying to think rationally. Trying to take into account everything we know about Nick. Luckily, we have the advantage of knowing a lot more about him than most people. Which is why I don’t think he’s stopped obsessing over you, Julia. Not for a goddamn second.” He stepped closer, dropping his voice. “I heard what he told you that day.”

I swallowed hard. “What day?” I asked, although I feared I already knew the answer.

“At the hospital after he attacked you and you stabbed him. When you went to go see him one last time before he was officially taken into police custody. I was right outside. I heard him, Julia.” He leaned toward me, the muscles in his jaw tight. “Heard his threat. Because that’s exactly what it was. Not some sweet repetition of his vow to love you until he took his final breath. ‘Till death do us part’?”

His words came out choked, every inch of him trembling with a mixture of anger and apprehension.

“That was a threat. Or, more accurately, a promise. That’s why I’ve been so adamant about you pushing Agent Curran to get more information about where this jewelry could be coming from. Because I know a life sentence in prison isn’t going to stop Nick. He’ll find a way to get to you.” He grabbed my hand in his. “I’m petrified he already has.”

“Wes…” I wrapped my arms around him, trying to offer some sort of comfort. I’d been so concerned about how this could potentially affect me that I hadn’t even stopped to consider how Wes was handling it. “It’ll be okay. I’m okay. It won’t be like before. I’m stronger than I was back then.” I pulled back and met his eyes. “Thanks to you.”

“Nah. That’s all you. You’re a badass, Julia Blaire. I wouldn’t want to cross you. Before Londyn got pregnant, I watched you two box together. You’ve got a mean right hook.”

“I appreciate your vote of confidence.” I winked, trying to cut through the tension. “And you never know. All this worrying could be for nothing. That could be what Agent Curran wants to tell us. That the jewelry I’ve received aren’t the originals. That it is the work of a true crime fanatic, like he initially thought.”

“Do you really believe that?”

Pinching my lips into a tight line, I subtly shook my head. “No, I don’t.”

He pulled me into his arms once more. “Neither do I.”