He bit his lower lip, eyes glossy. Then he pulled me in tightly, not caring my body was drenched with sweat, and buried his head in my neck.

“You scared me, love.”

I drew in a shuddering breath, working to shake off the disquieting episode, my body still trembling. It all felt so real.

Normally when I dreamed, everything was detached. Like I was a bystander watching the events unfold. But I knew it wasn’t real. Knew I’d soon wake up and forget everything my brain conjured.

Not this time.

I still felt Nick’s hand on my throat, breath scalding my skin, body covering mine.

“It’s okay,” I finally said, shaking it off. “I’m okay. Like you said…” I pulled back, giving Lachlan a reassuring smile, not wanting him to read too much into this. “It was just a dream. Nothing to be worried about.”

I stepped out of his hold, avoiding his gaze as I padded across the room and into the bathroom, closing the door.

Peering into the mirror, I studied my appearance, almost expecting to see teeth marks and bruising on my neck.


I blew out a shaky breath. It truly was just a dream. Simply my overactive imagination at work. My greatest fears realized.

Turning on the faucet, I cupped the cold water in my trembling hands and splashed it on my face. When I straightened and returned my gaze to the mirror, I jumped and let out a small gasp at the figure behind me, my heart ricocheting into my throat until my eyes had a chance to focus.

Lachlan studied me intently. “It’s not nothing,” he said gruffly, handing me a towel.

I took it from him, dabbing the water from my face.

“Your reaction just now confirmed it.” He paused, licking his lips. “It was about him, wasn’t it?”

I didn’t respond.

He crossed his arms in front of his chest, biceps straining, jaw twitching. Several silent moments passed as we simply stared at each other. I could practically hear the battle being waged in his head.

“I don’t want you to do this,” he said, voice determined, yet with a touch of vulnerability.

I was about to reiterate the same argument I made yesterday, but before I could, he held up his hand.

“I know. You want this to be your choice. And I appreciate your reasoning. But is it really your choice?”

I looked at him quizzically, brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

“How can it be your choice when this is exactly what he wants? For you to play into his hand? You may think you’re the one making the decision here, but this is just another case of him manipulating you. Exerting his power over you. Controlling you.”

“He doesn’t control me,” I argued back, placing my hands on my hips.

Lachlan barked out a laugh, biting and harsh. “Sure he doesn’t.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Do you listen to yourself, Julia?” He edged toward me. “That bastard still has his claws in you. And you fucking let him.”

“I do not.”

“Okay.” He stepped back, widening his stance. “Come to California with me this week. Let me introduce you to some of my good mates on the team. Let me take you to dinner. Let me show you off. Kiss you in public. Act like I’m actually your bloody boyfriend instead of just some dirty little secret you let fuck you when you need to get off.”

“That’s not all you are to me, and you know it. I’ve told you time and time again how much you mean to me.”

“But when are you going to show me?” He drew in a deep breath, softening his voice. “Please, Julia. Be with me. And not just behind closed doors, but out in the open, too.”