“Does this mean you’re not upset or weirded out about it?” I asked, holding her to me.

Pulling back, she met my eyes. “Why would I be upset?”

“I don’t want this to affect you in any way, Imogene.”

“How could it possibly affect me? Other than being able to go to as many games as we want.” Her eyes widened. “Can he get us onto the field to hit some balls? That would be incredible. A dream come true. Hitting some balls under the lights of a professional field? I may die.” Her words came out rapidly as she struggled to reel in her excitement, another trait she’d picked up from me. “Can Roman come, too? He’s a huge fan. Like, massive. He’s starting pitcher for the school team. Oh, my god. This may be the coolest thing you’ve ever done. Seriously.”

I laughed. “I’m glad I’m now officially in the ‘cool mom club’.”

“Absolutely.” She returned to her barstool, piling more food onto her plate. “I can’t wait to tell everyone about this. It’s so—”

“Imogene, sweetie…” I placed my hand over hers, stopping her. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

She furrowed her brows. “Why? You’re his girlfriend, right?”

I parted my lips, her question throwing me off a bit. “Well… We’ve never exactly discussed titles. But yes, I suppose I am his girlfriend.”

“Then what’s the big deal?”

“The big deal is that he’s a big deal.”

“So? I don’t…” She trailed off, her expression dropping. “It’s because of him, isn’t it?”

“Not entirely.”

Nick certainly had a lot to do with my reasons for keeping my relationship with Lachlan quiet for now. Especially considering recent events. But he wasn’t the only reason.

“Lachlan Hale isn’t a regular person like you or me,” I explained.

“You’re not a regular person, either, Mama. People recognize you. You were a celebrity judge on a few of those baking competition shows.”

“That’s nothing compared to the massive following Lachlan has. His picture is plastered all over the city. People wear jerseys with his name and number on them. Hell, I’m pretty sure you have his fucking bobblehead in your room.”

Before she could hold out her hand, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the wad of cash, handing it over, hoping that would cover me for the rest of the night. I had a feeling there would be quite a bit of swearing on my part.

“Because of that, I need this to stay quiet. At least for now. It’s for your own safety. The last thing I want is for word about our relationship to leak before we’ve made adequate preparations and for you to get pulled into this.”

“So you’re keeping it secret? From everyone?”

“A few people know. Like Naomi and your uncle. Now you. People I can trust not to share this. So I’m trusting you not to mention this to anyone. Not yet. This is new to both of us. We’d like some time for it to just be us. To give us a chance to get adjusted to a relationship with each other, as well as what it means for you. Then, when we’re ready, we’ll allow the world in. But not until.”

She swept her analytical gaze over me, studying me for a few moments before nodding. “I can appreciate that.” She grabbed my hand, squeezing it. “I’m really happy for you, Mama. I hope this is the start of something incredible for you.”

“I hope so, too.”