“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Roman.”

“You, too, Mrs. Prescott.”

I smiled at him, then looked at Imogene. “You can take a few minutes to say goodbye.”

“Thanks, Mama.”

I gave them space, fully aware of how fragile teenagers could be about this kind of thing. Especially girls.

“Did you know about this?” Wes asked when I sidled up next to him.

“Know about what?”

“Imogene and that kid. Is that a thing?”

“His name is Roman. And I think it might be.”

“And you’re okay with it?”

“They go to school together. He’s a preacher’s kid.” I snorted out a laugh. “Honestly, I’m more concerned she’ll make me go to church so she can see him. Damn building will go up in flames.”

I expected Wes to chuckle in agreement. Instead, he stared at me, eyes wide. “Wow.”

“Why are you so surprised at that? You know my feelings on organized religion. I—”

“No. Not that. I’m talking about you being okay with Imogene dating.”

“She’s fourteen. I can’t keep her locked up forever.”




“No, Wes. You hmm-ed. You only do that when keeping something from me.”

“I was just thinking that it appears someone’s had a positive influence on you.”

I furrowed my brows. “What do you mean?”

“If this happened a few months ago…hell, a few weeks ago…you probably would have quickly ushered Imogene out of here so she couldn’t even entertain the notion of talking to a boy. You’re much more…relaxed.” He leaned closer, dropping his voice to a whisper. “Guess you finally found someone to help take the edge off.”

“Weston James Bradford!” I retorted, playfully smacking him in the stomach. But I couldn’t stop the smile that tugged on my lips at the memory of just how great Lachlan was at helping take the edge off.

I looked back at Imogene at the precise moment Roman whispered something into her ear. I could practically feel the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. It reminded me of the way I felt that first time Lachlan leaned toward me and whispered something into my ear.

Hell, it reminded me of the butterflies he still gave me.

“Mo-Mo has a boyfriend,” Eli teased when Imogene jogged back toward us.

She rolled her eyes, exuding all the attitude of a teenage girl. “No, I don’t.”

“Then what was that?” Wes inquired, smirking.

“Nothing,” she responded with a dismissive shrug. “He just asked if he could call me later tonight.”

Her cell chimed from the back pocket of her shorts. She yanked it out. I didn’t even need to peek at the screen to know who’d texted. Based on her wide grin and the pink hue of her cheeks, it was obvious it was from Roman. She giggled, glancing over her shoulder, biting her lower lip as he waved.

It was official. I wasn’t ready for this.

But I doubted Imogene would be ready for my big news, either.