She pointed to the other side of the car park. ‘The one shouting your name.’

The man jogged towards them. He looked familiar although Poe couldn’t place him. He was obviously a cop – the rubber-soled shoes were a dead giveaway. He was in his early thirties and looked as keen as Tabasco. Bright of eye and ruddy of cheek. Poe was glad he didn’t have to work with him.

‘Sergeant Poe,’ he smiled, pushing out his hand. ‘We haven’t officially met. I’m Detective Constable Robert Bowness. I was one of the first detectives at the crime scene that night.’

He had a strong Geordie accent. Poe shook his hand. ‘Haven’t I seen you before, Robert?’

‘I’m part of the Elcid Doyle murder investigation. I was in the custody suite in Newcastle when you visited Miss Doyle. You’ve caused quite a stir.’

‘Gosh, thatissurprising,’ Bradshaw said.

Poe ignored her. ‘I did? How?’

‘By reputation,’ Bowness said. ‘I know Detective Chief Inspector Tai-young Lee has had to have meetings about your involvement.’

‘She has?’ he said, aware he wasn’t sounding too awesome right then. ‘Why?’

‘I would imagine they’re worried about you. Trouble seems to find you, Sergeant Poe. She’s got us going back through the evidence, triple-checking everything. I don’t suppose finding out that you’ve been visiting Miss Doyle in prison will help improve her mood.’

Poe grunted. He had some sympathy for Tai-young Lee. He wouldn’t like another cop looking over his shoulder, telling him where he was going wrong. But Doyle was his friend and Northumbria Policehadgot it wrong.

‘What are you doing here?’ Poe asked. ‘I assume I’m not being followed?’

‘Nothing like that,’ Bowness laughed. ‘Just going in to see Miss Doyle. Part of the triple-checking the chief inspector wants.’

‘It’sProfessorDoyle,’ Poe said. ‘And you’re triple-checking what?’

‘Sorry. And it’s all in the defence bundle. I assume you’ve seen it?’

Poe didn’t answer.

‘Right,’ Bowness grinned.

‘You say you were one of the first on the scene?’

‘I was.’

‘You got anything that isn’t in the defence bundle? First impressions that didn’t get reported?’

‘Everything went in my report.’


Bowness dropped his gaze for a moment, long enough for Poe to sense there was something he’d omitted.

‘What is it?’ he asked. ‘What didn’t you put in your report?’

‘It’s nothing really,’ he said, reddening. ‘Certainly not the type of thing you’d put in writing.’

‘Tell me.’

‘Cricket bats, Sergeant Poe. That’s what I didn’t put in my report.’

Poe frowned. ‘There was a cricket bat in Elcid Doyle’s office?’ he said. ‘I don’t remember seeing that on the list.’

‘No, you misunderstand. When I went into his office I thought I couldsmellcricket bats.’

‘What are you, a fucking bloodhound?’