Chapter 33

Bradshawrang back ten minutes later. Poe jumped, so did Flynn. Stahl had his eyes shut. Poe couldn’t tell if he was asleep or dead.

‘We good, Tilly?’ he said.

‘I’ve compared intonation, fluency, individual vowel and consonant pronunciation, Poe, and I am one hundred per cent certain that Henning Stahl is not the man who rang the Botanist hotline.’

‘OK, speak soon.’ He pressed end call and slipped his phone back into his coat. ‘We’re good, boss,’ he said. He leaned over and shook Stahl. He woke with a start and immediately reached for his vodka.

‘Mr Stahl,’ Flynn said, ‘a few hours ago the man claiming to be the Botanist called the police hotline and said he wanted to talk to you.’

‘Sergeant Poe said as much outside,’ Stahl replied. ‘He didn’t say why though.’

‘We were hoping you might have some insight into that.’

Stahl gestured at his living room. ‘Just how clued up do you think I am in world affairs right now?’

‘We’d like you to come with us,’ Flynn said. ‘Right now you’re the only lead we have.’

‘I’m not going anywhere.’

‘Why, what else have you got going on?’

‘I have a plan.’

‘And what’s that, Mr Stahl?’

‘I plan to see what kills me first: lung cancer or cirrhosis of the liver.’ He paused then added, ‘How much do you need me?’

Poe said nothing.

‘A lot then,’ he continued. ‘If that’s the case we need to establish some ground rules.’

‘And what are they?’ Flynn said.

‘I get put up in a five-star hotel with mini-bar privileges.’

‘Four-star andnomini-bar privileges,’ Flynn said. ‘Next.’

‘You can confirm this with my GP, but as you might have gathered, I have a slight drink problem.’

‘Gosh, really?’

‘And that means if I don’t have a certain amount of alcohol every day I go into withdrawal,’ Stahl said, ignoring the sarcasm. ‘I want money to buy vodka and a room to drink it in.’

Poe snorted.

‘Agreed,’ Flynn said. ‘I’ll consult a force FME and float you enough to buy a medically responsible amount of alcohol every day.’

‘Really?’ Poe said. ‘If I get a letter from my doctor, canIhave—?’

‘No, you can’t. What else do you want, Mr Stahl?’

‘Complete and exclusive access to the investigation,’ he said. ‘I want copies of all available files and I want to sit in on any interviews.’

‘No,’ Poe said.
