Chapter 105

‘Willthe CPSnowsupport our judge in chambers application?’ Poe asked.

‘If they don’t I’ll arrest their solicitor for interfering in an investigation,’ Lee replied.

Poe gave her a smile, assuming she was joking. Lee didn’t return it.

CSI had swabbed the insides of all the disposable gloves in the boot of Doyle’s car. They’d recorded a positive result every single time.

‘Do you think he fired the gun then put on the gloves to transfer the FDR?’ Lee asked.

‘Or he wore them inside out when he fired it. Turned them back the right way round then put them back in the box. There were sixteen, so if we assume he wore a glove on each hand, he’d have only needed to fire the gun eight times. I imagine he intended to plant the gun later. Somewhere that would incriminate Estelle.’

‘So, he breaks into her boot, sees something he can use and, what, stole them? Put them back once he had the firearms discharge residue inside?’

‘Probably didn’t need to steal them,’ Poe said. ‘You can get these gloves anywhere. I suspect he just bought his own then drove somewhere remote. Fired the gun a few times then broke into her car again and swapped his gloves for hers. Old cars like this aren’t difficult to get into. They aren’t like cars today with their fancy security systems. A car like this is opened with a key.’

‘And on the day of the murder, he makes sure she has a flat tyre,’ Lee said. ‘Maybe he stuck a knife or a sharpened screwdriver in the tyre wall. Had to be a big enough hole so the tyre was flat enough tonotice. Professor Doyle puts on a pair of gloves to change it, unwittingly getting the correct composition of FDR on her hands.’

‘I think that’s exactly what happened.’

‘Who the hell is this guy?’ she said.