‘That might not be politic right now. The chief superintendent in London is still under a microscope.’

‘OK, I’ll let her know. You wanted information on Elcid’s guns?’ she asked.

‘Just confirmation he had some,’ Poe replied. ‘DCI Lee has already checked the firearms certificate database though. He did keep shotguns.’

‘Yes, we helped him insure them. A pair of gold inlaid J. Purdey & Sons over and unders, whatever that means.’

‘The barrels are mounted on top of each other, rather than side-by-side.’

‘Well, that means nothing to me, but his insurance policy states the pair is worth one hundred thousand pounds.’

‘You’d better tell them they’re missing then.’

‘Are you sure? They shouldn’t be.’

‘A firearms detection dog has been through the whole house. We’re sure.’

‘And they’re definitely not in the gun safe?’

Poe frowned.

‘What gun safe?’ he said.