‘That’s a bit harsh.’

‘Would you let Tilly meet with him?’

Poe didn’t answer.

‘I’m under no illusions my passing will not be mourned,’ Stahl continued, ‘but I have a second chance here, Poe. How many people can say that? The doctors got me clean and I’m taking Antabuse. I’m grabbing life with both hands.’

‘What’s Antabuse?’

‘My medication. If I have alcohol, even a tiny amount, I’ll feel very ill, very quickly. It’s both a physical and psychological deterrent. I take it in the morning, when I have the most motivation, and it lasts all day.’

Poe glanced at Stahl, not sure whether to believe him. Antabuse sounded too good to be true. He’d check with Bradshaw later. It was important that Stahl was sober on Sunday. A drunk Stahl might let something slip, and, although most of the police operation would be hidden from him, there were certain things he would have to be told.

‘And what are you planning to do with this newly negotiated exclusivity?’ Poe asked.

‘I’m going to write a book about this case. I’m going to write a book and that book is going to win awards. And with the money and recognition that comes from said book and awards, I’m going to rebuild my career. And in return you’ll get my full cooperation. From now until it’s over.’

Although it wasn’t an attractive offer, Poe knew Mathers would go with it. She wouldn’t have a choice. It was possible the Botanist knew Stahl personally so they couldn’t risk putting in a double. Hoping he didn’t notice the old switcheroo until it was too late. And they couldn’t force Stahl to meet him – as he’d quite rightly said, the Botanist might try to kill him.

‘I’ll ask Detective Chief Superintendent Mathers,’ Poe said. ‘See what she says. You’re not getting live access to the investigation, though. You’ll get access when it doesn’t compromise anything. But I think we can work out something on exclusivity.’

‘Good enough,’ Stahl said. ‘As long as I get to write the book before anyone else does.’